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Riya shankar- Riya was a living angel on earth! Being a single child to her parents loneliness was always around her but then she found her peace and comfort in songs! She has a great voice and hence she was that kid who sang in every school assembly- she was a BBA first year student!
Riya was a typical girl who fell for a guy who never responded for her feelings it took days for her to bring herself back to form so she decided to not to fall again !

Riya shankar- Riya was a living angel on earth! Being a single child to her parents loneliness was always around her but then she found her peace and comfort in songs! She has a great voice and hence she was that kid who sang in every school assem...

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Dev vinayak- Dev was a typical guy next door but something in him was special ~maybe the way he talks ? His not so hilarious jokes? Or maybe his skills in guitar ! Man was as pure as a new snow! Currently a  final year BCA student and also a guitarist! Man says he is a pro player in pubg but does not even survive in gun game! And yep been single since birth!

Dev vinayak- Dev was a typical guy next door but something in him was special ~maybe the way he talks ? His not so hilarious jokes? Or maybe his skills in guitar ! Man was as pure as a new snow! Currently a  final year BCA student and also a guita...

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Sameer Shah- The typical sweet Bollywood guy ever girl falls for and she did the same ! Sameer was everything : kind ,sweet, pratical and perfect! Another than  breaking hearts Sameer is a wonderful pianist and also a second year BA student!

Sameer Shah- The typical sweet Bollywood guy ever girl falls for and she did the same ! Sameer was everything : kind ,sweet, pratical and perfect! Another than  breaking hearts Sameer is a wonderful pianist and also a second year BA student!

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Keerthana Varadarajan- keerthana was a boss of her own world! Being her father's favourite daughter, brother 's only Lil sister and soon her boyfriend's colours to the world!
Keerthana has her vibe so pretty and sorted,she was dipped into aesthetic and had her priorities sorted ! She was also a Bike racer and a BBA student! In between these love did have time for her to sneak it but did it end well was the question?

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