|°CHAPTER 03°|✔️

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It was a busy afternoon! Keerthana and Aishwarya were running around the college figuring out where Arjun was!

Riya and Aditi were with Aravind listening to him talk about how his basketball match was cancelled at the last minute.

Riya looked at Aditi sighing at her to save her somehow from his boring talks but Aditi was so involved in the conversation to noticed her friend dying out of boredom.

"You know what? Class yes class I have a class now and I forgot and I should go " Riya blabbered as she walked backwards towards the class.

"I understand why Keerthana is like this! " Aravind said shaking his head in disbelief watching Riya run

Aditi Chuckled! She was wordless like always

Aditi and Keerthana have been friends since kindergarten! They practically grew up together so Aditi was kinda always around Keerthana which means she was around Aravind too!

And just like that she had a crush on him And she couldn't blame anyone for that!

He treated people with respect, had his career sorted, lived his life to the fullest, and his vibe was pretty enough to make the world smile ~ he was everything Aditi dreamt of a perfect man!

And it was evident that Aravind knew about her crush though he never acknowledged it publicly! Aditi knew that he knew!

I mean he couldn't ignore the fact a Girl simply accidentally liked an Instagram post of his which he had posted in 2020 unless she was stalking him or even ignoring the sneaky glances she takes at him!

Aditi did not wanna confess her feelings no matter what!
First~ she was scared about his feelings, she had no idea what was running through his mind!
Second~ messing something with Aravind means messing things with Keerthana which Aditi did not want.

"Alright, Aditi! I have practice, I shall get going" Aravind told


"Do you want me to drop you?" He asked to which she nodded no

"Keerthana told me she will drop me!" Aditi said and he nodded and started walking away!

Aditi stood watching, a part of her whispering to him not to go and just like that, he turned around.

"Hey, Aditi! You told me you want help with the English play??? "Aravind asked

"Oh yes! When are you free?"

"After college! Let's meet at our usual place" he said before walking away to court.


"How the fuck will it get lost when I kept it in your bag Aravind" Arjun yelled as he kicked the floor

"Dai shut up and search properly! Your bike is standing safe and sound in the parking lot and who will steal only your keys leaving your bike? You must have lost it" Aravind yelled back

"Argh "

Yes, ladies and gentlemen! It was Keerthana who had stolen Arjun's precious bike keys!

Another 10 minutes passed and the boy gang was tired of searching for the keys!

"You better start Going home now Arjun! It's already late and you need to drag this bike of yours too" Dev told

Arjun grabbed his backpack shot a dangerous glare towards Aravind and walked towards his bike!

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