|°CHAPTER 07°|✔️

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Another week passed! It was almost 7 in the evening.

Riya and Keerthana were out for some grocery shopping and Aishwarya was finishing her last assignment for the weekend.

And Aditi was on the local basketball court after finishing her dance practice! She clapped her hands excitedly at the sight of Aravind scoring a point.

The court was empty! It was just her on the side and the opposite side had a few boys and girls who might be the friends of the other players.

A few more minutes passed and the game ended in a victory for Aravind.

He walked towards Aditi removing his headband and panting hard, his face covered with sweat and he sat a stair below Aditi with his elbows on the above staircase.

"You did great! It..it was incredible, especially the last shoot!" Aditi said excitedly as she opened her bag to pull out the water bottle and gave it to him.

Aravind poured half the bottle of water in his face still panting and Aditi looked at him in complete awe as he continued to drink the rest of the water

The way his Adam's apple moved along with every movement of his throat.

Those tattoos on his fingers and those rings complemented well with his tattoo, and his royal blue jersey showed off his muscular arms and shoulders well.

"Thank you pringles!" He relied after passing the empty water bottle to her.

Yep! He calls her Pringles cause she loves Pringles.

Give a bucket full of expensive perfume and gifts and she will still choose Pringles

Okay now.....
Water dripping on his face and the way Aravind looked at the other players with rage and that's when Aditi noticed a small cut on his thumb finger.

"Thanks for coming today! You know you don't have to .."

"I want to.." she whispered

She passed her dupatta to him as his face was still wet with sweat and water.

Aravind gladly accepted it and wiped his face!
The piece of cloth smelled like pure chocolate and cupcakes.

Her smell!

He looked over to find her removing a bandage from her bag!

Her big doe eyes fully focused on peeling that paper away from the bandage. Her forehead had just a pinch of red vermillion complementing well with her traditional yellow colour chudidar! She was gently biting her lower lip

She wrapped the bandage around his thumb and Aravind looked at her in complete awe.

And after every match, it was a routine for her to treat his tiny injuries! Though it did not matter much and hurt much to him!

Aditi hated seeing someone hurt! And that someone being Aravind made the urge strong

She looked at him and raised her eyebrows!

"Shall we leave?" She asked mentioning the group study they do after each practice.

Aditi was a second-year student and Aravind was in their final year!
She was blessed with good academic luck so she used to help Aravind in his projects and tiny doubts!

Aravind looked at her with a sad part!

"I don't wanna study!" He whined

"You have no choice"

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