|°CHAPTER 01°|✔️

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Bright sunny day in Bangalore! The roads are as busy as always and the people as active as always!

Standing in front of the huge black gate, Aishwarya, Keerthana, and Riya looked at each other.
Maybe nervousness or fear they needed to figure out

"Orchid Shadow Institute is it!" Keerthana whispered looking around!

"I. I just can't believe we made it to the same college!" Aishwarya spoke

"Same! And with your aunt of yours, I was sure she would send you to North Korea saying it's for your good! But yeah  that spawn of Satan was in a good mood I guess!" Riya spoke making Aishu shrug her shoulders

Keerthana looked at the fancy bikes parked on the side of the college and a distant basketball court which was now all busy and noisy!

Her brown turtle neck top and that jeans of hers, a pretty good amount of bracelet in her hands and  just a high ponytail and a bright smile on her face surely did magic

And that magic went far enough to capture someone's attention

"Keerthanaaaaaa" her only brother Aravind yelled catching her attention. She turned around her friends nodded in acknowledgement and jogged towards her brother!

"Aishwarya! Make sure you shut your mouth and walk to your class don't get into any fights okay?" Riya said and Aishwarya nodded like a kid  holding her bag

Aishwarya was all dolled up in a baby pink salwar and white roses embroidered in it! Her Jhumkas dance along with her when she talks her hair is done into curls and her kajal-filled eyes!

She looked all perfect!

Just when Aishwarya was about to go, Aditi walked towards them
She was dressed in a sea-green kurta and white leggings, an ID card hanging around her neck

"How long will you guys take to get ready and join the class?" She asked as she placed her hands on her hip.

Aditi, Keerthana, Riya and Aishwarya were childhood best friends but Aditi was a year older than them!

So Aditi was in her second year and the trio is a fresher!

"We just shifted to Bangalore bitch! You have no idea how hard it was to find this location" Aishwarya said crossing her hands across her chest

And yes! The girls were from Chennai and they had rented a flat to stay in!

"You will get used to it eventually woman stop complaining" Aditi told

"Okay! Imma start going to class! Riya take care bye" Aishu yelled and ran towards her class

Riya who was dressed up in a pastel sea green top looked at Aditi all excited her eyes showing a tint of fear!

"Hey calm down and listen okay? That guy you see on the football court? He is a dev! The current head of the music club and also your classmate in 3 classes !" Aditi spoke looking at the all-nervous Riya

"Okay....! What should I do now?" Riya asked

"You applied for music club and u need to go catch up with him" Aditi said and Riya nodded as she walked towards Dev.


"listen! There are tons of bad boys around and you need to be safe and sound okay?" Aravind spoke to which Keerthana sighed

"Tell the bad boys to fear the new and much worse than them girl called Keerthana okay? Now if ur advice session is over! Take me to my class cause this building is huge and I am lost" Keerthana spoke as she gritted her teeth

"Not now Chotu! I have a match in 5 mins !"

"What? I don't know  just let me there already my friends would have already gone by now" Keerthana yelled pouting

"Calm down tigress! I will send you my friend and he will guide you" Aravind said and spotted someone from the stairs

"Arjun" he yelled and the tall, bearded man who was in just a jersey and shorts  walked down to them

"This is my sister Keerthana and he is my friend Arjun!"

"And now Arjun can you just show her Miss Kavitha's class ?" Aravind asked

Arjun looked at Keerthana for a minute! His eyes scanned her from toe to head!

"I have a match! "
That was all he said before going back to his previous place

Keerthana felt weird! She did not like the way he stared, she felt insulted

"What the... You know what Aravind! Not just you but your friends also jerks!" Keerthana yelled

"Imma even use Google Maps and find my class! But never try to act like you know me or act like I am ur sister in this college! gotcha????"

Aravind stood walking her sister walk away! He knew his family was sensitive and had anger issues but not to this extent!

" ouch" Aishwarya yelled looking at her scattered books on the floor and  rubbing her forehead

"What the hell! Are your eyes gone blind? or are you the owner of this damn college to walk around freaking blindly " Aishwarya yelled

"Hello to you Miss! I was zoned out and did not see you walking! I am sorry!" Vikram told

"Oh yes! This is your father's college to walk around zoning out right!" Aishwarya taunted collecting her books

"Damn! Am sorry and bye" Vikram said and walked away immediately

"The audacity of him "Aishu whispered and walked into her class

"What do you look like that? " she turned around and saw Aditi there

"Me?! Ahh yes meet a stupid on the way to class "Aishwarya said and Aditi shook her head in disbelief

"You did not sign up for any club Aishu? Is there a problem?" Aditi asked

"Oh, I forgot sorry! I want to be in the eco club!" Aishu said and Aditi nodded her name down

"Okay! At the break, you meet Vikram from 2nd year BBA okay? he will guide you to the club"Aditi said and went away to her class




Kinda have this starting trouble! Has the story moves will get into track!

Kinda have this starting trouble! Has the story moves will get into track!

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