|°CHAPTER 8°|✔️

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"THIS GUY! RIGHT HERE IS MINE!" Aishwarya yelled showing a Rohit Saraf picture!
Gaining the entire bunch of group's attention making Riya give one in her head.

"I...I mean! He belongs to the world but still mine tho! Ahem," she corrected as she looked down at the sandwich.

Just when Aditi walked in and gave one in Aishwarya's head

"Ouch Mummy? What is wrong with you guys and my head?" Aishwarya whispered and yelled as she rubbed her head

"You did not even bring the form from the head! At least freaking fill it and submit it bitchhhh" Aditi yelled throwing a form in her hands and sitting next to Riya snatching her samosa.

Aishwarya let out a yawn and stood up from the chair as she grabbed the form and disappeared into the college building.

Riya looked at Aditi who was munching her samosa and sighed.

Riya had everything in her hand right now! The college she desired the most, her best friends around her, she got into a music club and her parents all fit and fine back home!

She should be happy. She should be relaxed. That's what she thought but nah Riya felt more concerned about this particular someone!

Sameer Shah!

The name brings her both smile and sadness!

Why can't she get what she wants? Why is it always she fighting for love? Why is it she being the poet always and not the poem?

Letting out a breath! Riya looked up and saw a very familiar face passing her.
Her insides shook, heart skipped a beat like always, she immediately turned around to see if Aditi too noticed him but she was so busy munching her snack that she did not notice the turmoil of emotions her best friend was living through.

Riya now doubted if the person she saw was him!
Cause it was Banglore, not Chennai! It was her college, not his? How could he come here?


Aishwarya submitted her form stepped outside the office room and looked at the little puppy under the canteen bench! Her legs immediately walked towards it.

Kneeling on the dusty road! Aishwarya held her hands out for the puppy to come out

Vikram who happened to pass that way noticed someone familiar sitting in the road!

His eye immediately noticed that long hair of her now which was left free to dance in the hair!
Just a tiny small clip holding a strap of her hair together.

Vikram could not help but notice the way her parrot green kurta radiated her beauty even more.

Vikram did not know but felt an unknown happiness finding her!
He looked at his wrist and found the same black hair tie still in his hand!

All these years in his college life! He had never searched for anyone, it had always been someone searching for him.

But then since last week, his eyes wandered around each corner of the college to find her!

And now seeing her! He felt like a kid who finally got an ice cream, a lost photographer who found the moon, and a hungry man who found good again!

His legs started moving towards her already!
And that's when he noticed there was a strange thing under the bench, he did not realise it was a puppy until he dragged her back.

The way he held her neck through her hair made her tiny clip break into pieces.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Aishwarya screamed.

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