|°CHAPTER 06°|✔️

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"Keerthana for heaven's sake he is my friend and I want you to apologise to him right away!" Aravind whispered and yelled making Keerthana roll her eyes.

"You saw the way he treated me! didn't you?"

"I did Keerthana but that kinda of treatment was not special for you, he is always this cold and stone-hearted around people " he explained


Aravind at this point looked defeated and gave up!
His parents had given birth to a devil.

After a few more minutes of arguments, Aravind left for his hostel!

Since it was Sunday, the girls were in the Flat.

Aishwarya still sleeping, Riya and Aditi were in the kitchen trying to prepare lunch and dinner all at once and finally Keerthana who had just finished getting a lecture from her brother pranking his friend.

She quickly plugged her phone in charge and ran to the room.

The flat was a 2BHK! Sometimes Aditi and Riya would stay in a room and Keerthana and Aishwarya would stay in a room or sometimes Aditi and Keerthana would stay in a room and Aishwarya Riya in one room.

Or sometimes all of them in one room!

Keerthana changed into a white crop top and tore jeans! Her hair into a ponytail.

She quickly grabbed her eyeliner bottle and ran to Aditi for a cat eyeliner look!

"Where are you running this early in a Sunday Morning?" Aditi asked as she drew the eyeliner on Keerthana's eyes.

"Shopping! Aravind is angry with me so yep time to butter him up" Keerthana said with a sheepish smile.

It was not so quite visible to the world that the silent, always with a book Aditi girl had a crush on the most popular basketball player and almost every junior girl's crush Aravind.

Maybe the world was blind but Keerthana was not! She noticed Aditi even before Aravind did.

And yet Keerthana did not ask Aditi about it, Keerthana felt if Aditi wanted her to know about it she would tell it so she remained mute about this.

"Aii I will join you too" Aishwarya yelled from the bedroom

"Nope! I am going to take Aravind out so you stay home and simp in rohit saraf" Keerthana said as she stood up from the floor gave one final look to herself in the mirror and ran outside.


Keerthana walked out of the mall with two bags in her hands!

It was a routine for her to use this strategy to convince her brother by buying him his favourite band outfits.

She drove her bike towards the boy's hostel parked it out and rang her brother.

"What?" Came a rough and rude reply to her call

"I am outside the hostel come down nah!"

"What? I am in my friend's house right now" Aravind told

"Alright!" Keerthana said as she ended the call not even waiting for his reply

Friend's house in the sense? Arjun flat? Yep he must be there
This is what Keerthana thought cause according to her right now Arjun was the only friend of Aravind she knew but how completely wrong she was!
Aravind was in Vikram's house!

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