|° CHAPTER 53°|✔️

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"This is wrong! So wrong " Aditi yelled

Aravind stood behind her rubbing his forehead looking at his girlfriend shout at his friend

"Vikram you have no idea how badly this is gone hurt her! She..she will break down if Vikram does not do this" Aditi said her mind giving her hints of what will happen if Aishwarya finds out that Vikram is not just her ram but the son of the college chairman and importantly the only heir of his father's vast dynasty.

"You should have proposed to her after revealing to her who you are Vikram! You have no idea how happy she looked yesterday when she said this! I...This is cheating you will be worse than her aunt in destroying her.." Aditi said and by now Vikram was staring at her with rage-filled eyes.

She looked at him and chuckled as if that rage will do nothing to her and Vikram fucking hated this! Hated how whatever Aditi was true and he had nothing to do about it

"Aishwarya dislikes my father for no reason Aditi! And I have been lying to her this entire semester! This is the confession I made yesterday! I- I can't let that happen! I need her " Vikram said

"Aditi! Give him some time right? He will slowly reveal it to her!" Aravind said

"He just confessed yesterday Aditi give him some time! But I can assure you that this idiot likes her" Arjun who was quiet the entire time spoke up for the first time

"I know Arjun! I know Vikram! I know who he is and that is something I regret now! Maybe I should have not known who he was just like the other girls! I would have been guilt-free" Aditi whispered making the entire house fall into silence

"I. I should better tell Aishu about this" Aditi said after a minute and stood up but was pulled back immediately by Aravind

"Please! Just wait Aditi let them sort it out" Aravind said

"No she will...." before she could continue she saw Aishwarya, Dev, Riya and Kiki walk into the place

"What no Aditi?" Kiki asked

"Tr....trip! We are planning for a trip and she is saying no" Vikram said Aditi turned around burnt Vikram with her glare and walked out of the house

"Aditi wait!" Aravind yelled as he followed her out

"Ouch! My poor brother" Keerthana whispered shaking her head

"Trip! That's amazing when are we leaving?" Dev asked as he sat comfortably on the sofa.

Vikram looked at Arjun and he shrugged

"Semester holidays and we will be leaving to go for a week!" Arjun said looking at Vikram and he nodded as if they planned this for months

"What will we inform home? My aunt will bury me alive" Aishwarya said standing next to Vikram.

Reaching just his chest, Vikram looked at her, and so did he! She blinked her eyes twice and smiled showing off her dimples making Vikram smile.

His hands reached to grab hers and entwined it together! They stood leaning against the wall and watching others.

"Let's say it's from the college side! And also seeking forgiveness is easier than seeking permission" Arjun said

"Damn! You make sense I had no idea you talk sense able" Aishwarya said

"Right then the plan is on?!" Riya asked, she needed a whole 20 minutes to process the things happening especially after what just she saw in Sameer's neck chain!

"You guys have fun! Imma stay back" Keerthana said as she walked towards the open kitchen in Arjun's house as if she had been here for more than a decade, like she knew what lays exactly where!

Grabbing a water bottle she gulped it down! But the rest of the people were too busy to notice her doing so except the dark orbs which always followed her like a shadow.

"We'll invite Sameer too! Poor guy has no fun in life" Dev said and Riya choked in thin air.

"Calm down baby boss! Drink this" Dev said as he pulled the water bottle from Keerthana's hands

"Aye! That was rude" Keerthana exclaimed

"Right! Do it again bro!" Aishwarya said as she watched Arjun with her eyes small and suspicious

"Damn!" Keerthana whispered as she grabbed her keys and marched out

"You okay now?" Dev asked and Riya nodded smiling

Who was this guy? What was he doing to her? After what just happened with Sameer she now is smiling at Dev!

"Wanna get back to practice?" He asked and she immediately nodded as no
She will even sacrifice Aishwarya to a devil but going back to practice? With Sameer? With dev along with them? Nah nah nah

"Right then we'll call it a day! Oh right, I forgot to say Sameer said he wanted to meet you after the practice today" Dev said and Riya wanted to go on a world tour and hide.

"Nah! You told me you'll buy me a bowl of Maggie! Get me that "Riya said and noticed how Aishwarya looked at her teasingly.

Damn damn damn! What is happening to her? Why is she blabbering and doing stuff?

She held Dev's arms and tried to drag him out and to her surprise he came along her weight!
Poor girl had no idea what her sudden touch turned his body into.


Here Aditi and Aravind sat on the basketball court! With Aditi ranting out in anger and Aravind humming in response.

"But I swear if Vikram does not reveal in a week! I will reveal it" Aditi said

"Cau...." before she could continue Aravind placed his fingers on her lips

"Shhhhh Pringles! Chill honey" he said

"Nothing is gone happen to Aishu or Vikram okay? trust them and their relationship" Aravind said and she nodded like a doll

"Good! Now stay here for 40 minutes, please! I will quickly finish my practice and join you" Aravind said and Aditi nodded as she sat comfortably on the stairs




Instagram id: author_rithika



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