|°CHAPTER 05°|✔️

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A week passed in a blur! The girls were busy settling down and the boys were in their world.

It was another busy evening and Riya and Aditi were sitting in front of Aishwarya who was talking about that mysterious guy who she met a week ago!

Ahem, that guy was Vikram!

"But that did not stop okay! He had the audacity t even steal my freaking rubber band" Aishwarya yelled.

Riya yawed as she heard the same story for the 7th time on the same day.

Saving her from her best friend! The universe sent someone through a phone call.

A caller named Dev rang through her phone! Riya's hands shivered

Where was the warning before calling? The introvert in her wanted to scream and run away.

Yet like a baby don, she is
She attended the call

" Riya, can you come alone for a few minutes?" Dev asked

No? What? What happened to hello da? This is what a first call is supposed to be.

"Ah yes! Where?" She asked

"To the auditorium! Be quick okay!" He sounded in a hurry

Riya stood from the chair and Aditi looked at her confused

"What happened?" Aditi asked

"Dev called! I guess for the auditions! I will be back in an hour if not I will come directly to the Flat! Bye," Riya informed as she grabbed her backpack.

Thanks to the less crowded Monday canteen area she easily ran to the auditorium.

Her glasses eyes scanned the crowd to find Dev!
It was not that tough, he was tall and that mustard colour shirt he wore made him look all special in that crowd!

Upon spotting her, Dev immediately marched towards Riya

"Hey Riya! The auditions are now! You just go in and sing a song of your choice and the team will select ogay?" Dev told

"I saved a token for you! Just wait here okay Imma  go grab it" Dev told and ran the backstage

And now Riya realised what was going to happen! She is gone sing a song that was not the problem! But she was not prepared and also singing in front of strangers did something to her tummy!

She had the urge to throw up all the sandwiches she ate for lunch.

"Alright, shall we.. hey Riya you okay?" Dev who just came back saw her paled-out face and scared eyes.

" Ye..yes I am it's just that The hall is filled with strangers and also I don't think so I am well prepared "Riya whispered

"Ouch! That hurts!" Dev told dramatically with his hand on his chest

"I thought I was your friend! " Dev said, a small pout on his lips and his eyes small.

Riya could not help but let out a small laugh

"I will be there when you sing today. Do your best and let go of the rest" he said and Riya did her signature duck nod

And that helped her! She felt relaxed and calm!

At least she had someone in the hall who would feel happy if she was selected or sad if she didn't.

The next token number was called and it was Riya's turn to go
She turned around and looked at Dev one last time before entering the stage.

Standing in front of the mic!  Riya's eyes like always, like the same 10 years old her eyes searched for her parents in the crowd but as usual they were not there.

Her parents were sweet, supportive, kind and everything but Riya was a single child
She felt lonely at times, she wanted her parents to be around her in victory and sadness.

The number of times she wanted her parents to be around on her annual day, sports day at least when she sang randomly at home.

But sadly her parents were too busy building their careers.

Riya closed her eyes and started singing her favourite song! It was her time to prove and she did not wanna lose it.

And here Dev stood watching her! Her German blue kurta and those little jumkas dancing around her ponytail!

Dev just knew her skin would feel baby-soft! She looked like a kid longing for attention in his eyes!

Something in this girl took away all his attention!

Be it her innocent eyes or that sad pout or that tiny hand of hers and now that damn voice of hers!

What was that? She sounded angelic! He felt someone poured a drop of honey into his ears!

He did not realise when and how but she saw Riya walking towards him with a huge smile on her face

And with that look on her face and after hearing her voice, Dev knew she was selected

His hands immediately raised and as soon as she came close to him.

She hit a hi-fi all giggling!

"I did it!" She whispered and yelled in  excitement

"Yes, you did!"

"Ahhhhh! The relief, I am going treat myself to an Ice cream for the great job I did" she said as they both started walking

Dev looked at her for a minute!

"What about I treat you with a congratulations ice cream?" He asked and Riya raised her eyebrows

"And also for being sweet enough to not get mad at me for not informing you about the auditions earlier!" Dev asked and Riya nodded

"Sounds good!"

Quickly! They both walked towards the food court area.

Keerthana who was buying a milkshake for Aishwarya looked at her best friend her brother's friend walking together!

She couldn't help but notice the chemistry!

She quickly sat by the table and watched them.

Dev paid for an Arun Icon ice cream the bigger one and gave it to Riya making her smile

"Thank you!" She whispered as she peeled off the wrapper and threw it in the dustbin

Keerthana could not help but giggle noticing them.
A smirk on her lips!






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