06 | 1 Goal, 2 Goals

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We finally arrive at the place and I check the schedule, and I'm up first for before-the-game interviews.

Since it's my first day on the job, I get to choose who I want to interview and I chose Balde because he's one of my favorites on the team that I've never interacted with. 

After the interview, I wish him good luck and get to my seat, which is right above the players bench. 

I mentally pat myself on the back as that interview did not go nearly as bad as I thought it would.  

The game starts and within the first 10 minutes, I see Pedri make a goal assisted by Lewandowski. I stare at him for a few, realizing that he made a goal. 

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. 

I'm stupid. 

For a minute, I forget that making goals in the rectangle shape net is the point of the game that makes him money & not some sort of scheme to get me to out with him. 

One more and that means we meet tomorrow. 

And I have to wear his jersey. 

I mean, It's Pedri, right? 

People won't assume too much. 

As if Pedri would care about that kind of shit. 

Should I care about it too? 

He gets put on the bench after he makes a goal, and looks around before looking at me. 


He tries to yell, but with every inch he comes closer all you can hear is "Pedri! Pedri! Pedri I love you! Please sign my jersey, or just give me yours! Por favor!" 

God, creepy much? 

He looks down at my badge, attempts to read it and then realizes. 

"Lina you work here? How come you didn't tell me?" 

I sigh before yelling my hardest over the music & fans, "I forgot to tell you. It was so soon. I was told Tuesday." 

He fuzzes his eyebrows together before going back to his seat despite all of the screaming fans asking for signatures.

Shit. It's going to be awkward if I have to interview him. 

Díos help me.  

After 30 minutes passed & he was on the bench, they switched Pablo for Pedri and Pablo came to the bench. 

Pablo sends me a kiss and I send him a heart, something we've been doing since he began playing football. 

5 minutes pass, 10 minutes pass, 25 minutes pass and, 

"ANNNNNNOTHHHHERRRR GOAL BY NO OTHER THAN OUR GOLDEN BOY, PEDRI GONZALEZ MAKING IT 2-0 AGAINST REAL MADRID."  The commentator screams on the speaker, and everyone goes crazy, the Real side is dead silent. 


(Figuratively and literally.)

Pedri- 1 

Lina- 0 

You got it this time Pedri, you got lucky. 



2 goals, both made by me.

Pedri- 1

Lina- 0 

I won this time Lina. 

Of course I did. 

After the game, I congratulate everybody on the win, and get called over by my coach, 

"Pedri, Pedri come here you've been chosen to be interviewed. Head on down to the last lady over there." 

I walk on down, and who do I see. 

Just to my praying luck, Miss.Ellinia Gavira herself. 

We stare at each other before the camera crew lets us know it's time to roll. 

She clears her throat before beginning to speak, "Pedri Gonzalez, golden boy, how accomplished do you feel making 2 goals, being the 2-0, against Real Madrid, a long time competitor?" 

I smile, making eye contact, "Well, you know it's always wonderful scoring for my teammates, for my best friends and my club. It's always an honor to do so." 

She sends a slight smile back. A professional one. Not a, 'I'm interviewing my brother's best friend, ex boy-friend, ex-situation smile. It hurts. 

"Beautiful, as it should be for Barcelona. With these goals, I'm sure you'll be getting a lot of pressure being sent your way by both yourself, your teammates & your fans, how do you mentally prepare yourself off & on the fields?" 

"I always send my prayers to God, as I'm grateful I grew up religious because I don't know where I would be without God, my family, and my best friends. They are the reason I'm so successful." 

I can't break eye contact. We can't break eye contact. I missed her eyes. The comfort they sent. The reassurance that always made me feel safe, no matter what was happening. 

Fuck, I messed up.  I missed her eyes, her touch, her

But I can't let her know that. Not now, not for a little while.  

She coughs awkwardly, breaking eye contact forcefully & loosening the tension. "Well, thank you Pedri, for those words. All the best of luck for the games ahead." 

The camera stops, and I don't say a word. Just head back into the locker room. 

If we have an angel and a devil on our shoulder looking over our sins & good deeds, I know mine is Ellinia Gavira. 


Because that was a short chapter, I'm going to post another one today <3333 

I love you all smmm and I hope you have a good day/night you beautiful people 🤍🤍

brother's best friend | Pedri GonzálezWhere stories live. Discover now