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I did wait. However, not for Chishiya's signal. For the girl. And as I saw her on the platform that leaded to the slide, I asked almost amused:

"Were you scared of Chishiya?"

"I'm not scared of many things",she said, putting her sunglasses in her black hair as she studied me. "But you for sure are terifiant."

"I'll take that as a compliment, thanks."

The girl only nodded. "You go first, trouble maker."

To be honest, I hated aqua parks, especially covered slides. They were so claustrophobic, but we only had 2 minutes left, so I went into it.

I knew the slide couldn't be that long, but it felt like years,falling into cold water, in a darkness that overtook my body. But it was all worth it, for the simple fact that I was playing. And...for the hug Chishiya gave me as I arrived the third pool. We stand like that for a while, and it seemed like the time stopped. Chishiya touched my wet hair,whispering in my ear:

"I have a gift for you."


He walked away a little, but still,our bodies were close to one another. He pulled out a card that he had hide in a pocked. A two of diamonds card.

"This was the difficulty of the-"

But the arrival of the girl with sunglasses interrupted me. With a quick movement, she took the card from my hands.

"I'll keep this."

"Why in the world would you need that?,"Chishiya asked nervously." I found it first."

"You want answers?Than come with me",the girl simply answered. "We need more people anyway", she continued more for herself.

Chishiya looked incredulously at me, but I nooded. We hadn't something better to do,so I followed her. But inside, I knew there was something we still could do: playing more games. I wanted to feel that adrenaline again. That logical games, tho without certain rules. Without our rules. Where dead was just an usual thing.

"What are you thinking about?", Chishiya asked,his voice scaring me. I looked around surprised, I didn't even realised that we crossed a bridge. Not far away, I saw a luxury hotel. But that couldn't be where we were going, right?

"Were are we?", I asked completely confused.

"You didn't hear anything? Ann",he said as he nodded to the girl that walked in front of us, "just said that we're going to a place called the beach. Or that hotel right there. We'll find more people, and she says that they know how to return to our world.. "


"Are you ok?." Chishiya raised his eyebrow. His features betrayed the worries he had tried to hide with his uninterested voice.

"I just.. I like it here. A lot. And.. I don't think I want to turn back. I don't have anything to return to anyway just my dead parents and the police being suspicious....

"But you didn't have a choice..."

"I did have a choice and i choosed what I choosed and I would choose the same ag-

My eyes were looking desperately for something that would stop him notice my shame. We still didn't speak about what happened that weekend, but I noticed that he thought I was innocent. Of course, this wasn't the first time I almost said the truth, the dark truth that hunted me: that I wanted to kill them both. But this time.. This time I spoke to much.What in the world would he think about me? Tho, I was really surprised to hear someone laughing. I finally looked up.

"So this is your secret, mysterious girl," Chishiya said, smiling. But that smile... He never smiled like that before. There was affection and admiration in it. Chishiya raised my head as we stopped. In that moment, nothing felt real:him, so close to my lips, his fingers making their way into my hair.. I was, probably, just one of Chishiya's toys, however one that thought it could trick him, but in that moment, I adored my character like that.

"If that's so..," Chishiya said, his eyes on my lips looking full of desire "I guess I like you even more now."

"Will you enter, or what?", Ann said extremely bored. "I don't have all day to listen to you two and your chemistry."

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