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"Three minutes till the end of the game," the phone announced.

I let myself get a break, I was again stopped to go further by a wall. I'll just wait here for the game to end, I thought.

"I finally found you," a voice behind me said. I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. The police woman.

"Don't try anything stupid. You're trapped."

"The police turned into killers. Interesting, isn't it?," I said as I
finally looked at her. She held a gun in her hands, pointed at me and in her pockets were hidden two knives.
Her eyes were shining from pride.

"But we all know who the real murderer is, don't we?," she smirked.
She wasn't that old, maybe twenty five or somewhere around that age. Probably new in her job. Why did she hate me that much?

"So how will this end?." I was surprised to hear that my voice was still sounding brave. I looked slowly at the phone, making sure she didn't notice my movements. I could resist 2 more minutes. Hopefully.

"You're the ony citizen left. In fact, you're the only one I'm here for. I knew I'll find you here," she said as she approached me. I had nothing to do but to lean against the wall, as if somehow it could defend me. "You know, I must say I underestimated you. The way you did it.. Intelligent. Sadly that it will kill you." Her smile became bigger as she left the gun in a pocket and took out a sharp knife. The one I had before the game started. She held the weapon like I once did, fingers under the sleeves of her police uniform.

"I know you probably think that it's your duty to punish me, but in here, it doesn't matter anymore," I said as she came closer to the wall. Fear overtook my body. I remembered Chishiya's words:You wanna die in a game, forgotten? Yes, I told him. What a dumb answer, when now I would give anything to have him here with me. Why can't I fucking listen for once?

"It is my duty." And before I could even understand what was happening,I found myself on the cold earth, the woman's legs on my arms, immobilizing me. I hit her with my legs, tho it was almost nonsense with her body over mine. The woman opened slowly my zip up hoodie, revealing my skin. My whole body frooze when I felt the knife on my skin.

The cut was deep, it started from my neck. She continued, it was like she was writing something on my chest. But I didn't screamed, I couldn't gave her that satisfaction. My eyes were crying, but my mouth remained shut.

Why can't I fucking listen for once? Will Chishiya even cry for me? Will he even care, after I lied to him? He felt in love, I remembered his words, they were printed in my mind. I was almost drowning in pain, but the remainder of his face was somehow holding me to this world. Just a few more minutes and I'll find you, Chishiya's words echoed in my head. Not real, but that lie was the only thing that I could cling to.

"You are a proud girl, you know? Even when you saw me at the beginning of the game, you still kept acting like you could control what's happening here. Like deep inside you, you were expecting me. Even now, you still hide under pride. You're proud of what you did. Well, be proud of this."She nodded to my body, inviting me to look at her work. I honestly didn't know why, but my eyes felt on my body. I wanted to stop staring, stop giving her the pleasure to see my shocked expression, but I couldn't. The cut was starting from my neck, then going down to my stomach. The wounds, they were made in such a way as to imitate letters. On my body was written a word. A single word, printed on my skin and readable as hell:killer.

And in that moment, my mouth finally made a sound that could have very well be a scream.

The police woman smirked at me as she opened her mouth to speak...but she never got the chance to say what she wanted to tell me. In that moment, more things happened all at once:the phone, telling us we had 3 seconds till the ending of the game;the woman, trying to find her gun so she could have me killed and be the winner;and a red light coming out of nowhere taking her life.

Her dead body fell with all her weight over mine,her opened eyes looking at myself. I removed my gaze from those glassy, shocked eyeballs, as I tried to lift myself up. I felt a bitter taste as I kneeled, my chest seemed to carry a heavy weight and I started crying as I noticed I couldn't walk. I leaned into my hands, still kneeled, as I tried to crawl. My hands immediately touched cold metal. I looked down to see the gun the police woman had. I shivered as my fingers met the weapon once again. Without thinking,I put it in my pocket. The feeling of the firearm next to my skin gave me a little power. But all that little disappeared as I accidentally looked at the word on my skin. It was hard to see it now, it was too much blood covering it, but it was still there. I vomited next to a wall as i realised that I only won because she hated me too much to kill me at first. She wanted to torture me, just like I did to my parents. And even if I managed to survive, to get back to Chishiya and the beach, the pain and the memory of this game would still hunt me. If the past doesn't stop hunting me, then I guess i will hunt the past, I remembered my thoughts from  my first game.

But no dear, the past won't stop hunting you, it will eat you alive. And this? This was just the beginning of the consequences, I once, with a bloody knife in my hands and two corpses near me, thought I didn't deserve. I almost laughed. I killed two people, and still I had the impression that I did the right thing. I was stupid, drunken with the happiness after the murder. And now it was too late to change my decisions, I couldn't but to let myself be taken by the wave of troubles that would come, hoping that it won't tear me down.

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