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The car stopped at a park with a big labyrinth. In fact, it was so big that I couldn't even see his ending and the high of the walls made of artificial flowers was chosen as to forbid even the thought of trying to climb them.

But something more worrying was that, on a table next to the phones were seated knifes, guns, axes and.. 3 metal bracelets. Behind the weapons was written :Feel free to use any of them.

I looked around to the people that were already there:all wearing the bracelets, all with weapons. The other two mens that were with me in the car took them too, so I had no choice. The bracelet had closed with a clink and I realized that I couldn't get rid of it until the end of the game,because the metal was impossible to break. Something grew inside my stomach, and I would lie to say that it was that great feeling I was waiting for. But there was no turning back now.

I took a sharp knife, and for a moment, I was back at my house, mom bleeding on the floor, my sleeves on the knife. But some glances on my back awakened me back to reality. I turned around and my eyes met hers:the policewoman. I almost screamed. Calm dowm, I said to myself, breathing heavily. She can't prove that you did it, your finger prints aren't on the knife.

Tho, the women's proud facial expressions told me otherwise. Slowly, my eyes fell on my hands and the knife. Of course. My hands were hiding behind the sleeves of my hoodie. Now she knows. She knows how I did it.

If the phones didn't started to speak just in that moment, I would have probably died of fear. The good dream was gone. The nightmare had come to replace it. And again, when the bad things happened, I was alone.

The name of the game was "Killers and Citizens", difficulty 9 of hearts. The number was higher than my first game.

"The killers bracelets will turn red when the game starts, and the ones from the citizens, blue. Tho, if a killer manages to go through the whole labyrinth, he will become a citizen. If citizens use their weapons to defend themselves from the killers, they become murderers too. If someone tries to climb the walls of the labyrinth, their bracelet will explode. The ones who remain citizens till the end of the game will win. The only chance for the killers to win is either to finish the labyrinth, either to kill all the citizens. Time: 2 hours.,"the phone spoke."The killers and citizens will be now chosen."

In that moment, my bracelet become blue. Citizen. I looked around:six citizens, six killers. And the police woman was a killer. Only one of us will survive this game. I knew she was thinking the same. She will try everything to eliminate me from the game. But I will try everything too.

I repeated all the rules again inside of my mind. For me, the only way to survive was to not get killed. And to not kill. It was obvious that the murders will try to win by getting rid of all the blue players, it was the easy way. Slowly, I let the knife fall from my hand. If someone attacks me, it's better not to be tempted by the weapon.

GAME STARTS, the phone stated. And maybe for the first time in my life, I did the right thing:while the others were still thinking about what to do, I ran into the labyrinth with a speed I didn't even knew I was capable of. My life depended on the advance over the players, especially the killers. Especially her.

I ran and I ran, sometimes I needed to find another way, sometimes it seemed like I was trapped by walls. But strangely, I didn't meet a single killer. Just one time, I thought I heard steps behind me, but again, no one was there.

That's how it went for an hour. That's how it went for an hour and a half. It was like there wasn't any danger, like I was alone in the labyrinth. No one behind me, no one in front of me.
At the beach, I will laugh with Chishiya about our fight and about this game and he'll regret he wasn't with me,I thought.

All was great. I almost felt again that amazing feeling from my first game, it was floating in my veins.

All was perfect, a world just for me, a world I belonged in. Until the last three minutes.

In that three minutes, that seemed like three decades, I finally understood what this bonderland really was: a punishment for what I did.


Hi, just wanted to say thanks for all the votes and nice comments, and of course, thanks for reading this book! I can't tell you how happy I am that you like this story.

I'm sorry if the chapters aren't that long, but I just feel it's better to do them shorter, that's how I delimited them in my mind.

Thank you again!<3

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