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I woke up in one of the beaches rooms, and judging by the mess, probably in Chishiya's. What was I doing in his bed?

But before I could answer that question, I heard some whispers coming from the door. Chishiya was speaking with Ann, who was standing next to the opened door, ready to leave. Chishiya's face was red, and I noticed that they were arguing. Strangely, no matter how much I would have sharpened my ears to hear what the fight was about, my brain just couldn't understand the words, they didn't make sense to me. I was tired. But why?

I propped myself up on my elbows, desperately trying to tie their words. But in that moment I felt a pain arrowing trough my chest. I looked slowly down to my body. Starting from my neck and going to my stomach, my skin was covered with bloody bandages. Chishiya's bed was full of my blood too. My memories from my last game hit me like a slap in the face. The police woman,the word that was printed on my chest, the red laser, me, crawling to the end of the labyrinth trying to survive and Chishiya waiting for me there, carrying me in his arms till we arrived the beach.
Even the gun, I now felt his metal, was still in my pocket.

I pulled out a muffled sound, the pain from the inside mixing with that of my body. Chishiya heard me, and approached the bed with a worrying face. Halfway through the room, he turned again to Ann.

"Go," he said. It was almost relaxing, hearing someone, not just that annoying "bip". His voice calmed my pain, but it was for such a short moment,that I almost thought it didn't happen.

"Chishiya..."Ann looked nervous at him.

"You know my answer. Go."
He raised his hand towards the door. Ann replied with a frown of disapproval, but listened to him, leaving us alone.

The boy sighed as he sat down next to me, arranging my pillows. I now could see his tired, wet eyes and the line of concern on his forehead, that grew bigger as he looked again at my face.

"Why was Ann so angry with you?", I whispered, afraid to speak louder.

"Doesn't matter," he simply answered, but we both knew that in fact, it did matter. Why would he be so angry about it if it wouldn't. Anyways, I was too tired to insist on the subject.

"Who..," Chishiya stopped, trying to decide if I was ready to answer him, but finally, his curiosity won. "Who did... You know what." He nodded slowly to my chest, and as he spoke his eyeballs grew from fury.

I remained silent for maybe too long, because he added fast:"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, it's ok... It was the police woman. But don't worry, she paid for this. She's dead now." I tried to smile, realising too late that I shouldn't have said the last two sentences.

"You killed her?"

"No, I was the only one without a weapon...,"I tried to explain. But I couldn't. I stopped, looking at Chishiya, so I wouldn't have to relive all the game again. For the moment I just wanted to hide it's memorie in a corner of my mind, avoid it as much as possible."Maybe one day I'll tell you what happened."

His hand met mine, and the touch made me close my eyes for pleasure.

"Try to sleep," he whispered in my ear. "I'll go get you a tea or something."He tried to get up, but I didn't let him. Chishiya looked at me with a confused mine, and I hurried immediately to explain my actions.

"Don't go. Stay with me." I was ashamed of how stupid I sounded but I continued:"I can't sleep alone, please.."

He laid down next to me on the bed,without saying anything,but I knew he understood the need of this little thing.

We sat in quietness for a while,and even if I knew that he was staring at me, our bodies didn't touch. I felt almost guilty when I interrupted the silence:

"I'm sorry that I didn't keep my promise."

Chishiya moved a little in the bed's sheet, and I started to shiver, as I felt his chest on my back.

"I can't be mad at you when you're in this state," he simply answered, as he played with a strand of my hair.

"I don't want you do say this because you feel pity for me."

"What if I tell you that I say this because I love you?"

I chuckled, and Chishiya's hand met my cheek. I should have shut up, just enjoy the beauty of the moment, but the memory of my unanswered question came in my mind:

"What was your argue with Ann about?," I said for the second time,as I finally turned with the face towards him. It was clear that he prefered not to spoke, but he sighed, a sight that sensed like warm wind on my skin, and begin:

"She.. She wanted me to kill you. She said that if I wouldn't, you'll die in your next game anyway."

"Chishiya, I won't die, not now. I want to see the ending,"I whispered gently, feeling his breath on my neck." When everything falls, I wanna be there. "

"When this all happens, can I have the honor to sit side by side with you?"

And as my eyes closed, he kissed me, but it was for such a short time, that I might have imagined it.

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