Chapter 7

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Ok, so I've decided that in this story, some other fandoms's characters shall be making cameos- kinda. They'll show up at some point in the story. But I'm gonna tell you which fandoms: Supernatural (and while there is a reference to them here, it won't be their cameo) Doctor Who, and Sherlock. Yeah, I'm bring SuperWhoLock in. Sue me.

If there is anyone who hasn't already, please go create an OC, it's not to late. I'll put the form on the end of this chapter!

Thanks, and on with the story.

Peter POV

So, Fury has got us, an amateur team of amateur superheroes teaming up with some professionals. Granted, they're the same age, but they've been doing it for a while. It seemed you could probably write about 7 books on Harry's life and 10 on Percy's. Wow, I can't believe that Percy-Freaking- Jackson, class clown at Goode Highschool (before I left, at least) was a freaking son of Poseidon?! He fights monsters, like, everyday? Geez, must have had a hard life, but at least he has Annabeth. I so ship it. What? You tell me that you've never shipped your friend with someone?

Anyway, the training room? Is there some sort of observation deck thingie? Yes, yes there is. We walked into a room with a glass wall that overlooked a room about the size of a house. It had punching bags, a swimming pool, racks of guns and bows and arrows, targets, overhead hatch on the roof, copious amounts of weapons, weights that ranged from 50 pounds to 500 pounds, (I guess Thor can lift more...) and a giant computer. "This is where you will be showing off your powers or whatever makes you an asset to this team. We'll start with the wizards. You four- Drake, Hallie, Lucy, and Nate- just show us everything when you demonstrate your demigod powers. Harry, you're up first!" Fury barked.

Harry suddenly vanished and reappeared in the room. "Apparition is something we can all do. We can also all do this:" he waved his wand and screamed some weird words and suddenly, a silvery stag appeared. "It's called a patronus." He explained, "They're used to fight dementors, things that literally suck happiness out of your body.

"We can also perform other spells that range from turning a rat into a goblet to reducing something to ashes. We can also block spells. There are three curses that we can not perform, however. They're called the Unforgivable curses. Using them earns you a one-way ticket to Azkaban. "

"Ok, since you can basically do the same stuff, why don't all the wizards line up down there and each give their patronus. Harry, come back here." Fury said.

The seven wizards apparated down to the room with a soft pop and got into a loose line. Harry rejoined us in the booth. "How often is this spell required?" Percy asked.

"Unless Voldemort gets the ministry, who controls the dementors, under his control again, we shouldn't have to use it too often. They usually just stay at Azkaban." he answered. "I learned it early, though. In my third year, everyone thought Sirius was trying to break into Hogwarts and kill me, so the ministry sent dementors to guard the school. But, if there were large crowds in the stadium or something, they would leave their posts. One time, they came to a quidditch game, and I feinted in mid air when one got too close, nearly died too. To avoid it happening again, I learned to cast a patronus, which is produced by happy thoughts."

Oh. I looked through the window and watched all of the wizards cast a patrons one by one, Ron's was a terrier, Ginny's was a horse, George and Fred's were both foxes, Sirius' was a dog, Remus' and Tonks' were both wolves. The misty wolves circled each other before dissipating. Then, to everyone's surprise, Sirius turned into a black copy of his patronus... only bigger.

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