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You wasted no time at all telling Sasha the news. She was happy for you but skeptical.

"Are you sure there's no ulterior motive," she asked.

"Yes," you exclaimed happily, "just pure love!"

"You're going to make me sick," she gagged, fake throwing up into her shirt.

*knock knock*

"Hey baby," Eren said when you let him in your apartment. Shooting Sasha a smile as she rolled her eyes and left saying, "Save the lovemaking for your apartment."

Which got you all excited again.

"Speaking of apartments, why don't we start fresh? Buy a place both of us like," he asked, looking at you cautiously as if he was scared you would break up with him then and there.

This caught you off guard. It's not like you didn't like the idea but you truly had none of your own money and you didn't like the idea of having to ask your parents.

"I mean it sounds good, we'll just have to wait a few months until I find a job," You explained.

"No, no, no babe," he said quickly, "I'll pay for everything. We can just choose everything together."

You didn't like this at all.

He would essentially become your landlord, but you had an idea. Get a job, and pay a few months of rent. Then, it'd feel even!

"Sure, but I'm paying the deposit and rent," you muttered, leaning into his chest as he wrapped an arm around you.

He just smiled.

You didn't like that.


It was hard finding a place. You both wanted someone near campus but most apartments just wouldn't work.

Bad parking, moldy bathrooms, living rooms the size of a closet- it just wasn't good.

On the way home from another failed complex he asked, "What if we bought a house?"

"I'm sorry?" you coughed, was he serious?

"I mean we'll get complete freedom to decorate however we want and we could grow a family there." He muttered the last part but you heard it and blushed, did he see you as endgame?

"You're right, but your football career. You could get a job across the country and then we'd have to sell the house and that's a lot of work y'know? Let's just stick with an apartment for now and get a house later on down the road," you could tell he saw your logic but was saddened nonetheless.


You thought the perfect apartment would never exist.

That was until you came across a 950sqft apartment with 2 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. It had large open windows, a balcony, and a nice-sized kitchen with marble countertops.

Best part? It was the same place a lot of student-athletes lived so there were 24-hour security and low crime rates in the area.

You couldn't wait to sign the lease and hope everything went through. The only bad part was you still hadn't told your parents.

3 weeks later

Eren still had practices and games and you tried your best to go to each one while working and handling household affairs.

The day after you got the apartment, Eren's teammates threw a housewarming party for the two of you which was great for getting household necessities you don't think of until you need them. It was also a great way to get to meet the people who were like family to him and meet their families.

Craziest thing: Porco and Pieck stayed in the same building which was a great thing so you'd always have someone there.

Sasha had a sad look on her face as she handed you a $500 gift card for Home Depot.

"I'm gonna miss you more than you know," she said, crying into your shoulder.

"I already miss you," you cried back. But the rest of the party was fun.

That was until Eren stepped into a bedroom to take a call.

He didn't come until everyone had gone home, and his face was white like his knuckles which he must've been clenching for some time.

"Looks like my dad found out already."

You didn't know why it was such a big deal but you weren't gonna question it. You just asked him what you should do and went from there.

Now you're living with your boyfriend. Like a real adult. It's time to handle situations.


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