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The second you walked into your apartment you ran to the bathroom to find a first aid kit. You didn't know what to do, but you hoped you could help.

"I think you should go to a doctor," you suggested, taking out the rubbing alcohol, "I don't know how to help."

"Call Reiner." You didnt have any time to question him so you just did as told.

Quickly taking his phone and clicking on his contact name, you called. Hoping he'd pick up.

Eren? What the fuck, man. It's 3:00 am!

Reiner?! I'm so sorry, Eren's been shot and he told me to call you and I don't know what to do and-

Y/N? Don't worry about it. I'll be there soon.

With that he hung up, leaving you crying.

"What's wrong baby," Eren asked, you could tell he was in pain. "Is it because I yelled at you in the car? I'm so sorry."

"No, no I'm just worried the damage will be permanent. What if you'll never be able to play again?"

The look on his face showed that he agreed, or had at least been thinking about it.

Reiner opened the door in a swift motion, the key jingling in his hand.

Finding out how many people had a key to your house would have to take place at a later date.

"What the hell did you do, Jaeger?" Reiner asked, as Eren took his shirt off and he unpacked all his supplies.

"Ha, do you really wanna know?"

"Fair enough," he muttered as he got back to work.

He was working intently and nobody was saying a thing. You had been co-workers for a while but you never met him.

You hated Monica with a passion, but you could see why she went with him.

He was tall, with golden hair, and had a ridiculously good build. No wonder he was a personal trainer.

"You ever gonna break up with Monica?" Eren broke the silence.

"Already did, last night. She kept threatening my cousin and I've been over her," he explained, adding some cream over the wound.

"And Y/N, why did you quit?"

"Ah," you sighed remembering the fight you had at the wedding, "Ymir fired me."

"For what?"

"Exposing her lying girlfriend for being a cheater."

"About time someone did it," he laughed.

"You knew?"

"Practically everyone did. They're not exactly subtle."

"True," you agreed, "how do you know how to do all this?" You asked, seeing as he was wrapping the bandage.

"I'm in med-school, I don't know how I keep up with practices either." He added as if he knew what your next question would be.

"Oh! I'm in the athletic training program." You smiled.

"Really? How come you're never on the field or at games?"

"I don't want people to accuse me of getting stuff just because im dating Eren, so I mostly help out with soccer and basketball."

At the mention of that Eren sat up with a pissed look on his face.

"Those idiots are trying to steal you from me."

"And you know it'll never happen." You kissed his lips.

"Annnnnd I think that's my cue to leave." He sighed, packing everything up. "Y/N, here's my number in case you have any questions or need me to come back. Just please, try to not call at 3:00 am again."

After apologizing and him assuring you that he was just teasing he left. Leaving you and shirtless Eren together in the living room.

"Y'know... I don't like the idea of you having his number. He is attractive and single," Eren sighed, walking to the bedroom.

"Please, after all, that just happened, I'd be crazy to leave you," you laughed, finally showering.

"Our relationship is so unconventional."

"Tell me about it. We weren't even talking before we decided to date,"

"You showed up to my house and seduced me."

"I was hoping we could forget that..."


I literally have no clue what I had her majoring in before so now it's athletic training bc that's what I wanna do 🙈




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