Forever In A Night (Alma Peregrine) SFW

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An Ymbryne is built for duty. She is made to love her job, her children, and her home. And Alma did! She loved every part of her life. And yet. After a week jam-packed with lip from Enoch, attitude from Claire, and Emma at her own wit's end, the headmistress sent her shit-stirring wards to their rooms early and all the others seemed to be encouraged by the poor behavior and slowly spun out of control. They actually decided to go to bed early themselves at the pure stress on their Headmistress' face. That showed her they were being brats, not influenced by some abnormality.

She'd only done it twice before, but Alma decided to take the rest of the night. Emma and Olive were in charge of watching the house, but minding their manners with each other, so Alma took the opportunity to go out into town. She was dressed more Normal-like, when going amongst the Normals. Her clothes remained her usual navy blue color, but she wore no coat, only a long sleeved blouse and trousers. Her wild hair trailed loosely over her shoulders, and the Peculiar Mother could only hope it was dark enough out that any potential suitors would mistake it as a very dark, near-black color. Mostly, she wanted a drink.

It was long before reset when she approached the pub. Music floated out and the woman could see the shadows moving across the window. While cruel and most of them called the police on the children, Alma had to admit Normals knew how to party. She stepped inside and the room went silent. It was very awkward and Alma almost regretted coming out. Then a shout brought the merriment back.

"Hey, who cut out?" you asked, rising from where you were ducked behind the bar. You stood to full height, equal to Alma's (not that she'd checked on previous days or anything), holding glass shards from a beer glass. You looked at her and frowned at the performer. "What? You've never seen a working woman slate her thirst with alcohol?" You turned to the orphanage mistress with a wide and... honest smile.

It put the woman at ease and she finally felt sure in her decision. You always worked the Priest Hole in the evening, while the confrontational man worked in the mornings til mid-afternoon. You also were usually very kind to Alma and her wards. The kids still tended to mess with you, since you were a Normal who would reset. Of course, because you reset, you never retaliated.

Your smile didn't so much as flicker. "What can I gechya?" you asked. The noise slowly returned to the business.

Alma settled on the stool across from you. She smiled back, finally feeling safe. No one crossed the evening server. "Gin, please. With a twist."

You raised your eyebrows, either impressed or confused by her choice. Nonetheless, you supplied it. It was gone not 10 seconds after it was in her hand. You laughed then leaned on the bar. "Long day?" you asked as you took her glass.

"Long week," Headmistress Peregrine, oh yea everyone on the island knew who she was, retorted in a dry tone.

You simply laughed again, charmed and charming. "Can you handle alcohol?" you asked, remaking the drink.

"Does it matter?"

You laughed again, handing over the gin. When the Headmistress reached for it, you clasped a bright, shiny orange and clear bracelet on her extended wrist.

The woman's presence darkened and she stared you down, mighty intimidating. "What is this?"

You tried to smile at her despite the sword hovering over your head. Miss Peregrine's wards were known for being bizarre so she likely was as well. But her stare along crippled you. Uncertainty made you wary, but your olive branch did not combust. "It's my eye-catcher. It'll keep my eye on you." Your smile only grew. "In case you drink a tad too much."

Blue eyes fell to her wrist and, despite seeing the clasp, Alma didn't take it off. She looked back up at you, seeing the crooked, hopeful smile you wore with hesitation. It occurred to her how short and hostile she was being with you and she felt bad because you were trying to be polite. You yourself were obviously uncomfortable with her, but was willing to try. It helped that the other customers didn't need you so you tried to help the woman who truly needed it.

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