I Did a Thing (Thirteenth Doctor) NSFW

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Sitting between your woman's legs, her front to your back, the two of you just sat in silence. She'd been all deeply worried and such, but you'd begged her to placate you with silence and cuddles. You were thinky, deeply thinky and you wouldn't be swayed. And close contact with the Doctor always calmed you in a storm, let you see clearly despite the rain, the darkness from the clouds, and the debris threatening to crush you. You were just trying to deal, frankly. Come to terms with this awful news.

Her knuckles ghosted over your arm, rubbing up and down.

The blonde behind you was very distracting. She was good at that and she freaking knew it. But you didn't mind at this exact moment. You were still dealing, still deep in that dark pit where the rain and clouds and debris had an easy target.

You looked straight ahead, not seeing anything, but soaking in the warmth of the Doctor and latching onto your anchor. Her lips attached your neck, pressing feather light kisses along the tendon there. "You're thinking too much."

Your laugh was instinct, acknowledging she made a joke you'd typically laugh at. Or simply acknowledging the irony. "That's the pot calling the kettle black," you mumbled back.

Distracting you as she did so well, she put a little more force behind her kisses, using her teeth and letting her tongue dance at time.

Your breathing deepened and you couldn't find it in you to care. Tipping your head back against her shoulder, you let her have her way with you. The knuckled on your arm didn't move, but her left hand found your thigh. You brought your own arm to hold her bicep, rubbing encouragingly.

Another kiss to your neck and your eyes slipped shut. "Tell me what to do," came the desperate whisper by your ear.

You paused for a minute, still adjusting to this new world the Doctor had introduced you to. It had been something of a shock when you found out how very submissive the blonde was. She was just dying to please you. "What angle can you get?" you asked, ordering without ordering. You didn't like being blatant.

Needy little fingers wiggled beneath your shorts, sending sparks straight your stomach and a strange tingle across your cloth covered mound. Her fingers bent and the skin and nails traced along the edge of your underwear. "How's it feel?" she asked, pulling you tighter against her with her other arm.

"L-like lightning, s-spreading from your t-touch." Your chest stuck out a bit at the new angle of how you sat. Her lips descended on your neck again and your hand slipped under the short sleeve of her t-shirt. You gripped her bicep.

Her hand across your waist slipped beneath your shirt, rubbing your soft belly with her knuckles now. You weren't the skinniest, but your adventures with the Doctor kept you in shape. "Still so soft," she whispered by your ear before catching your lobe between her teeth.

Your eyebrows furrowed as you tightened your grip on her bicep. You focused on your telepathy and found you'd opened a pathway into her brain. That had almost become second nature, what with her being naturally telepathic. Not to mention, you were quite useless with words once she got you going. But your brain never stopped. Sending mental commands had been easier and, sometimes, your subconscious would send her tips to indulge you better. Then, she'd feel your guilt at your perceived selfishness and used her words to make you feel better. Of course, when she was talking to you, it de-railed your brain even more.

You let out a sigh as she slipped her fingers under your last line of defense. Her fingers found your wetness and you could feel her grin telepathically. You sent a bit of exasperation which delighted her even more. She didn't move anymore and you shifted, your free arm moving back to circle her leg, hand on her knee. She pulled you closer against her center and let out a groan at the contact. "Feel it out," you ordered softly.

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