Defend (Moiraine Damodred)

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You were pretty sure Moiraine never wanted an apprentice. She never seemed especially fond of you. But, then, she never seemed especially fond of anything. Her warder definitely didn't like you.

The three of you were traveling the road as Moiraine always did. Gaining an Apprentice, it seemed, had not anchored her to the Tower as Maigan had hoped. You didn't mind. You had wanted to see the world and you were definitely getting that with the brunette Blue. She was distant, however. The rides were silent, boring you to near tears. You'd nearly backed out and left the pair a few times.

Her Warder was much more perceptive than you'd given him permission for. You stood on the edge of you three's quickly made camp, staring out at the forest. The greens blended together well. This was what you wanted. Not a numb buttocks and missed glances. You took a deep breath, wondering if the Tower would truly hunt you down.

"Careful," came the low advised call.

You looked over your shoulder to see Malkierian standing behind you. His cloak was removed for the illusion of casual-ness. You looked from him back to the forest.

"The woods have many inhabitants you would not like to face alone."

You withheld a scoffed laugh and nodded. "Yeah," was your only response.

Lan slowly moved to stand beside you. He followed your gaze, trying to get in your head. "Is everything alright?" Nothing like his Sedai, he didn't beat around the bush.

It had only been a passing thought. You were no quitter. Turning the camp, you re-entered, finding the place you'd set your blanket moved a little ways away from the fire. You looked to the Blue Ajah, but she was thoroughly engrossed with her books and scrolls. She looked frustrated. At least it wasn't just you. You moved to lay down, rolling away from the fire despite the bits of sunlight which lingered still in the sky. You were exhausted. Sleep pulled at you instantly, yanking you into the peaceful dark.

You were awoken by a harsh hiss and a click of the tongue. You jerked to sit up, finding the light darker than Moiraine's Ajah and the fire just as steady as ever. The older Sedai was still buried in her texts. She seemed trapped on one where the script on the cover was in another language. Wiping your eyes you reached into your bag, pulling out a basic magical translator text to help with the ambiguous bits. You set it on top of the open book in her hand before rolling back over, dropping off instantly.

You didn't see, but the brunette smiled at your drifting form. She opened your book, finding the contents she was meant to find easily. She sighed and set back to work.


"How exactly does a horse wander off?!" you demanded from the empty air. The Warder and his woman were gone to fill the canteens and hopefully find some fish to cook over the still-steady flame.

"Did you knot the reigns?" Lan asked suddenly from behind.

You jumped with a... very dignified squeal to face him. You held up two fingers. You spun back around to investigate. A pressure settled into your chest. You didn't accept failure.

"Calm yourself. These things happen." Great, Moiraine was back. Just what your racing mind needed.

"Yes, well they seem to happen to me more often than not." You swore, you were such a screw-up. You went to take off for the woods, but found only a swath of sharp air whistling your ears and cutting off your path.

"We have no time for this. You will ride with me." Moiraine, as ever, wasn't accepting questions or arguments. You were forced into coming to stand by her horse with a sharp head nod. You huffed before mounting behind her with the help of her hand and her Warder. You were so embarrassed. Your family could never afford horses, or much else, so you were unused to much.

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