Stay Calm and Love Me (Hela Odinsdottir)

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Request: Hela and Reader argument angst type thing

The table tipped sideways, longways. You leapt back, frightened but confident Hela would never hurt you. "No, ma'am," you scolded her. "I'm just being honest and you know it." 

Her dark hair framed a sunken, ill face. "I know and I don't care!" she screamed in a blind rage. "There are too many realms for me to take a break," she hissed like it was the most vile thing you could've ever suggested. She was the princess of all of Asgard. Her will was second to none. Her skill was the fiercest anyone would  ever combat in combat. Her power destroyed. And it was destroying her. 

You felt desperation climb into your chest and plant a seed. But you had to be calm, for her, for she could not. "Hela. Please. There are too many realms for you to conquer one after the other after the next and then another. No. You have to take it in waves, or you'll never take it all." You stepped closer to her. All of that  bubbling inside her and she'd sheath it all when alone with you. She found love and couldn't let go of it, but she wouldn't release her destiny to rule the universe. You picked at a strand of her dark hair, so opposite to her father's blonde. You'd never met her mother. You wondered if she'd ever met her for all she said about the woman: nothing. You knew Hela avoided emotion, the Goddess of Death, all powerful. But she was yours and she'd sworn to try for you. 

But anger. That came easily to her, right after denial. Her jaw clenched and her neck had popping tendons you wanted to kiss. But you had to focus, which wasn't hard in the face of the Goddess of Death. "I can do whatever I want. I have the strength of Asgard and the support of Odin himself! I don't need yours."

You tried not to let that get to you that much. You bowed your head, forcing back tears. You looked her in the eye, hoping she'd see your weakness and expose hers, like she should have. "You will always have my support. And you will always have my love. But I need you safe. I need you to know you are loved and your prowess in war has nothing to do with it." You took a cautious step toward your love, praying to her mother she'd not react violently. You reached out a hand to hold her face. 

She caved for half a second and leaned closer, but yanked away with a sneer. She despised herself for even the briefest moment of weakness. She reached out and swiftly held you by the throat. "I have no need of love. I only need a kingdom the likes of which I deserve to rule." 

You kicked your feet high off the ground, holding tight to her hand. You'd never have a chance of prying her off if she didn't wish it, but you were in no immediate danger. You were Asgardian. Not royalty, but tougher than Midgardians. "A loved queen is remembered longer than a feared one. Please, Hela." She loved you. You knew she did, but war did awful things to people. Death, worse. 

Hela took offense to the statement that she would be remembered. She slammed you against the wall. Your head bounced off with a painful thud. "I will not die. I cannot. Death does not touch me; I command it. And I care not for being fondly remembered. No." She sneered. 

You stared at her with flooded eyes, horrified at the disgust she regarded you with. "Hela, milady. My queen. Look at yourself. You're warped from your time in the trenches, all the blood. I don't want it to end. I know you could never endure that. I just want my lady back as she was first. Please." You didn't know that she could never go back. You had no idea that the young girl you'd pined over her entire life, had loved and been loved by; she was this shell and she wasn't coming back. 

Hela scoffed, and dropped you. She sneered down at you. "My reign is cold and brutal and it is far from over." Turning away, the chill of her dark cloak washed over your fallen form and she sauntered away. 

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