Hold You In My Arms (Farah Dowling)

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Request: Could you please write a one shot for Farah Dowling x mind fairy female reader, who suffers from seizures?

You were in your final year at Alfea and you were a mess. It was delightful, to know what your life would be like. You had the skills to manage, but - boy - was it exhausting. On top of that, you were a Mind Fairy, so there was constantly a line of thoughts from nowhere in your already not organized brain. You'd learned to control it as well and protect yourself from accidentally projecting. You'd had that bagged in Year One.

So why was the input so much harder to manage? It felt like a seizure waiting to happen every day. You couldn't live with epilepsy and an element that triggered the condition. Yes, you could. You could manage. But like you said, exhausting. So you laid on your bed immediately after work, trying to hold it all together while letting go. The sheets smelled lovely, though, so that helped. Yes, you were on Farah's side of the bed, head smushed into her pillow. You knew it could be hours before she returned to you.

As Headmistress, Farah had many duties, all of which she took very seriously. You felt like the menu could be decided via a survey, but you were a student less time ago than Farah. You were both teachers, which added a whole new level of stress to the Head position. So, yes, it could be hours. You should cook something. Takeout sounded great. You wondered if you could manifest the energy to buy it telepathically. It was more common now and the students had started doing it once the alumni banquet was over. It was done before you even thought about doing it. Okay, being a Mind Fairy was pretty bomb sometimes.

Especially when your Headmistress Mind Fairy lover was brilliantly intuitive and sensed your tension. You'd had a rough few days so the brunette decided she could spare a few nights work. Or perhaps just hand it over to Saul. She left most of the work on her desk to join you at home.

You jumped when a second plate floated down from the cabinet, silverware joining it too. Not a second later, the door opened and in came the woman of your dreams.

She was delightful in the most subtle actions. Hanging up her coat, pulling down her hair, it was like a fantasy come true. You walked up to her before she'd finished shaking out her intricate bun and cupped her face. You took her lips on yours and held her there. She responded in kind. Gentle fingers circled around your neck and scratched your hair line. You stepped further into her, seeking out her perfume from- well not the source but - where you needed it. Farah wrapped her arms around you, holding you close to her. With her height, you fit perfectly against her, tucked under her chin but with Farah still able to pull back and kiss your head. "Let us eat," she prompted. "Then we'll stretch out on the couch."

You took another deep breath, allowing the comfort her mere presence brought to sink into your lungs. Unfortunately, you eventually had to breathe it out and make your place. You sat on the couch together, you desperately wanting to prop your feet up on her lap, but she was eating too. Once you were done, the plates were put on the table and you got in her lap.

A low huff of a laugh erupted from Farah as she was knocked into and up against the back of the couch. Your head rested on her chest, watching her fingers direct the remote more than what was being surfed through. She finally settled on something, not bothering to ask if you wanted to watch it because you would if you were gonna be watching. Instead, as predicted, you burrowed into her neck before dropping your head to her lap and hiding in her belly. A wry smile twisted Farah's lips, but she just ran her fingers down your forehead, over your ear, down your neck. She rubbed her thumb into the pressure points she could find, slowly unraveling you. She was actually enraptured in the documentary on sea otters, but kept looking down at you. It was kinda sweet she was turning away from the babies holding hands to hold you. You felt cherished, and smiled for what felt like the first time in days. You wanted to stay here forever, just in Farah's arms. She would have to come to all your classes with you from then on, you decided. You'd have to tell her in the morning. Once you were already her little ragdoll, Farah let her mind wander into yours. It was a heavy place and a wrong move could trigger a seizure. She'd done it before and only used her magic on you when you were truly relaxed her entirely focused on her and how much you trusted her. She grasped strand by strand of the consciousnesses she knew so well and pulled them from your mind. She de-cluttered a bit to let everything naturally yours breathe.

You finally opened your eyes, sitting up with her guidance. You sat beside her, head on her shoulder, her hands never gone from you, and just be'd with your girlfriend. You watched the adorable documentary and Farah couldn't stop staring at you. Without everything they had to deal with all day, anyone would look like a star, but your smile at the baby animals made you sun sun, Luna be damned.

She didn't mind doing this for you because it was something she didn't have to deal with. She dealt in memories so unless someone had PTSD or a powerful dream/nightmare, this was foreign to her. But Mind Fairies are commonly overwhelmed with everything they carry. Even a not Mind Fairy hold it for a second then allowing it to trickle back in could provide relief. She pulled you closer to her, wanting to wait for the end of the movie to give you back your burdens. You reminded her to take care of everyone, including herself. She kissed you for that.

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