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CHAPTER TEN: "Hands Off, Klepto

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"Hands Off, Klepto."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

THOUGH Thea is very much aware of the trouble she'll be in when her mom finds out she walked out in the middle of class, she can't find it in herself to care. There was absolutely no way that she was going to take majority of her eighth grade classes all over again, and she especially was not taking that science class again.

     She'd rather drop out.

     "So, where do you think we should go?" Thea glanced over at Pope as she kicked her foot back, keeping her pace steady as she rolled on her skateboard beside him. "I mean, I can't go home. As soon as my mom hears from the guidance counselor, I'm dead."

     Pope blows out a heavy breath, "I mean, my parents have the day off since Cleo is taking over today. So, they won't be around." He glanced at her with his brows raised, "You wanna go and hang out there?"

     "Yeah." She nods, kicking her foot back again. "Sounds cool."

     The two of them make their way into town to get to Heyward's dock, upon arrival Thea steps off her board and takes it in her hand and she and Pope place their things down and she sits down. While she got comfortable on the surface of the wooden picnic table, the Heyward boy picked up a broom and started sweeping the ground, Cleo strolls out of the shop and made her way over as soon as she realized that it was them.

     To put it simply, she did not look happy.

     "What the hell are you two doing here?" Cleo demanded, "Don't you have school?"

     "We quit." Pope declared.

     Cleo's sepia eyes widened with disbelief, "You did what?!"

     "They wanted us to retake classes we already had." A scoff falls from her lips as she shook her head, "It was bullshit, Cleo."

     Cleo shook her head, "No, you guys can't just quit." She glanced over at Pope, "What about your scholarship?"

     "I lost it." The Heyward boy disclosed in defeat, "I lost all my old classes. I'll be lucky if I even passed the grade." He turns his back and tossed the mop against the wooden railing, "My transcript is ass. Everything I had going for me, gone. And do you know why I'm screwed? Because I tried to do the right thing. I tried to help John B with his treasure, I tried get my family's inheritance back, and do you know what I got for it? Kicked in the dirt, it's over. I'm done."

     Thea's heart ached for her best friend. Back when this whole treasure hunting business began he was the one who had the best chance of getting off this island and being successful, he had his scholarship, he had a plan, and he threw it all away for them. Then when the opportunity to do something good came along again with the cross, he tried his damndest to return it to where it rightfully belongs, with his family.

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