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CHAPTER NINETEEN: "We Don't Leave Pogues Behind

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"We Don't Leave Pogues Behind."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

      THEA didn't exactly know how he managed to do it, but JJ kept his promise. He found a way to get them all out of the chateau, just before it burned down and trapped them all beneath it. It was mostly a blur, and then other parts she was certain she had blacked out. One moment she was standing in the livingroom, on the tipping point of a panic attack. Then her eyes open and she's laying on the grass in the backyard, with an immediate need to hack up her lungs up as she shoots up.

She hadn't realized just how long their celebration last night went on, but it quickly occurred to her that it must've been hours. The sun was just beginning to rise on the horizon, painting the OBX sky breathtaking shades of pink and orange as the ball of light lifts into the pillowly clouds.

It was a shame that she couldn't appreciate how beautiful the sky looked, but was too busy dealing with the leftover shock of nearly burning to death in a unexpected house fire.

To put it simply, she was devastated.

Was she happy to be alive and safe with little to no burns, along with all of her friends being okay? Yes, of course. But that house was like her second home, she had so many memories at the chateau.

They all did.

The chateau was like their escape, if any of them needed to get away from home or just wanted to hang out for awhile or even spend the night, this is where they would go. It was their home away from home, and now, it was... gone. Reduced to nothing but charred furniture and ashes.

God, what was John B gonna tell his dad? It's not like either of them have the funds to pay for damages from the fire, and yeah there was the gold from El Dorado, but who knows if they'll even find it? They haven't had much luck so far with treasure, but she really hopes that their bad luck will change. John B needs this gold more than anyone right now, the chateau is his home.

It's all that he knows.

"Could've been a faulty electrical wire." Pope suggests, an attempt at explaining the cause of the fire.

"The place was all wood." Kie stated, her caramel gaze watching as a plank of wood that Thea was sure used to be the roof collapsed. "A tinderbox."

"Thing just went up." Cleo uttered dramatically, "Boom."

"I can't believe the chateau is gone." Thea sighs miserably, dropping her head to her pulled up knees, curling her arms around her legs.

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