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"Risk It All."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

     THEA wanted the fuck out of Kitty Hawk camp, and it had only been a few hours since she arrived. She was up to her eyeballs in dirt, and her knees were sore from being knelt on the ground for so long. Gardening was not her expertise, and she was so glad that she didn't actually have to stay and do this for six weeks. She felt horrible for all the girls around her, with their sleeves rolled up and sweat creasing their eyebrows from the afternoon sun beaming on them.

She couldn't imagine doing this every single day.

Thankfully, her shift had ended, but unfortunately she would be headed to her second job of the day. According to her schedule, she was gonna be working in the kitchen to prepare food for dinner that night. Though working more wasn't ideal, she was glad that it was actually within her area of expertise.

Tiffany points her to the mess hall, and she makes her way down the wood panels to the more larger sized cabin in the camp. When she arrives she walks through the double doors that were wide open, her gaze roams the room and she finds the swing doors that lead to the kitchen.

She takes a deep breath in to calm her nerves and she makes her way over to them, then as she pushed the doors open she sees two people stood in the room with their backs turned. They seemed to be having a conversation as she walks through the threshold.

She clears her throat loudly, only gaining the attention of the woman with the hairnet on her head. "Uh, I'm Sia. I'm new and I'm here for the cooking job on my schedule."

Before the woman with the hairnet could say anything, the other girl with wild brunette curls spins around and reveals herself.

"Oh my god." Thea's eyes grew almost instantly, and a wide smile breaks across her features. "Kie?"

The Carrera girl's jaw fell open, her caramel eyes wide with shock and disbelief. "Thea?!"

"Kie!" Thea exclaimed happily, she wasted no time in rushing over to the curly haired girl and throwing her arms around her. 

"How are you here?!" Kie asked, hugging her tightly, they part from the embrace and she grabs ahold of her shoulders. "Did your mom send you here too?"

"That's a..." She glanced over at the woman in the hair net who watched their exchange closely, "Long story for another time. I promise I will tell you all about it soon." She goes back in for another hug, Kie accepts and wraps her arms around her. "I'm so glad to see you."

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