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"You and Me."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

OKAY, so maybe she was wrong. It was not a piece of cake.

She had a long list of complaints, starting with the fact that it is hot as all hell in South America. How it's possible that she is burning up in a muscle tee and high waisted shorts is a mystery to her, there are mosquitos that are eating her alive, which is extremely distressing considering that those incessant blood suckers can kill you and or make you gravely ill if you're bitten in foreign countries.

Also, they have been on this boat for hours on end and her ass is sore from sitting on the uncomfortable wood plank seat. The sun had went down and then it came up again, and she has gotten zero sleep.

She needs a godamn nap.

The birds overhead were squawking loudly as they approached what looks to be a resting spot, "Okay, guys, I think that's El Tesoro." Cleo informs, "The trailhead to the mountain is supposed to start here."

JJ peers over his shoulder, "Oh shit. That's one of Singh's guys." He turns back to the group with wide eyes, "What are we gonna do? We gotta get past them somehow."

Pope looks over at the resting place, a thoughtful look crossed his face and Thea can practically see the wheels turning in his head. "Pope?" She calls to him, he turns to face her and a knowing smile pulls at her lips. "You have a plan, don't you?"

A mischievous look crossed the boy's mocha features, "Maybe."

The plan was simple.

Step one, park the boat at the rest stop near the trees, leave the boat with all their things without being seen by Singh's men, and hide in the shack that Pope had spotted nearby.

And once that was achieved, they could move onto Step two. All he had to do was send one of Singh's men a message. His choice was one of the men who was laid back and resting as he guards the boat, he quickly wrote a threatening note and he launched it across the water and to the man. She watched eagerly beside Kie in the window of the shack, the man felt the note hit him, and he picks up the piece of paper and reads it.

Onto Step three.

While they were walking through the city to find Barracuda Mike earlier, Pope had made a habit of picking up a few fireworks that the kids in the town square had left on the ground. And he used one with the help of JJ's lighter, and he launched the firework across the water at the boat.

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