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"Once A Pogue."
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦

SLEEP is a magical thing, there's nothing that a good nap can't cure. And after the day that Thea's had, she desperately needed one. When she arrived home after JJ had dropped her off in the Twinkie, the first thing she did was head to her room and collapse ontop of her duvet. She pried her shoes off her feet, dropped her bag to the floor, and she was out as soon as her face hit the soft comforter.

She wasn't sure how long she had been out, but she could see from her window that it was now dark outside. A yawn slips from her lips as she raised her arms to the ceiling and stretched, then as her eyes adjusted her gaze landed on her desk where her computer was placed. She smiled to herself and quickly pushed herself up from her bed, then she picked up the laptop and drops back to her bed as she placed it down infront of her.

After she types in her password and it loads, her desktop background with Halsey's lyrics from her track Hurricane pops up. She quickly heads to her emails and checks the message she sent herself a week ago. She clicks on Rafe's email and it opens with the image that she took back in Singh's office, she studies the painting for a few seconds before leaning over the end of her bed and digging through her bag, then she gets her phone and takes a photo of the image before deleting Rafe's email completely.

Because, ew.

As ahe checks her other emails she hears her bedroom door opening, she looks up from her computer and smiles when she sees her mom is stood there with a folded bed table and what looks to be a white ceramic bowl in her hand with a fork in it.

"Hey there, sleeping beauty." Melanie greets her, smiling softly as she walks over to her bed.

"Hi." Thea replies as she shuts her laptop and pushed it aside, she moves back to lean against the pillows propped against her bed frame. "What you got there?" She questioned, eyebrows raising and her eyes lingering on the bowl in her hand that smelled suspiciously of Chicken Alfredo .

"Just one of your favorites." Melanie placed the bed tray above her legs and put the bowl onto the tray. "I texted you that I made some Chicken Alfredo at work before I got off, so I figured I would just come and bring it to you. I came in earlier but I had no idea you were sleeping, then I heard you moving about and decided to come and bring it to you."

"I had a long day, I didn't even realize how long I slept. But thank you, I'm starving." A smile graced her lips, "Thanks, mom."

"You're welcome, honey." She replied softly, taking her knee and kneeling on the bed to press a soft kiss to her temples. "What would you like to drink with it?"

Thea's hums softly in thought, picking up the fork and lightly stirring it in the bowl. "Do we have any apple juice left?"

"Yep. I'll get you some." Melanie nods as she lifts off the bed, now standing upright. "Oh! And I also have something else to give you, I'll be right back."

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