Chapter 6 part One

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Xyon Pov:
All the pack members we're waiting anxiously to see why I had called them. The most I could say is that they needed there alpha back and back in full sanity. It was high time I reassured them. Looking each member in the eye I started...
" I know you guys are disappointed in me .. " which was met with interruptions of "no, not at all"
I held my hand up silencing them and continued
"As I said I know what you feel and that's coz I'm disappointed in me" I glanced at Octavius who nodded and I carried on "I wish I I was here to offer you guys some miracle explanation that could explain why I had bailed on you guys" before anyone could say a thing I held my hand again and said
"Please, don't patronize me, I know we all want, no we all need answers but at the moment as far as I know none of us have clue as to what happened"
I caught Octavius looking uncomfortable and not meeting my gaze something I have to look into later, that wolf is for sure hiding something.

Xavier: Xyon man, don't beat up yourself we all know that you didn't abandon your pack or duties on purpose. Hell! We all were in some kind of a trance but how about we cut each other some slack and just take it one day at a time and one obstacle at a time"
The rest chimed in "hell yeah I'm with Xavier on this" Athamas eagerly replied and so did Octavius.
Soon everyone was roaring with encouragements and enthusiasm "Alpha Xyon is back" Alpha Xyon is back!"
"Ok ok, if that's the verdict then how about we start to tackle the first obstacle that's been thrown in our faces?" I challenged
All eyes flew to the stairs knowing fully well I was talking about the packless shewolves staying in our pack house.

"If I may, said Octavius mischievously " since it was your idea to bring them here I think it's only fair that you deal what has to be done" he finished off with s wink. Always the carefree wolf getting out of any real responsibility thrown his face.

All agreed. " Yeah Alpha it's up to you and only you" were the cheers and jabs that I could hear from my so supportive pack. ( I am being sarcastic incase you didn't notice)

"Fine I think after talking to the shewolf and knowing there situation I'll allow them to stay here till we can find them another pack that are willing to welcome them" that was my final decision and so far with all the nods I saw they were all with me on this matter coz no one wanted a the mess of shewolves that were staying upstairs
" But that doesn't mean they stay here rent free, no they have to earn their stay" I looked at Athamas
"You see which of the shewolves are good enough in the ring so they can start patrolling with the night patrols"
And Oct you see who is good at accounting, cleaning, cooking... but keep Miss Xenia away from the kitchen that woman couldn't cook if here life depended on it" I recalled my unfortunate eating experience"
" Ouch! That hurts. Haven't you been taught not to bad mouth a person who fed you?"

Of course turning around I saw Miss Xenia standing with a so not happy face starring me downq from the middle of the staircase...


Ok so I really don't know if I should give this another shot or not. It's been a really long time I know. But life is life and things happen. I started writing when I was in a really bad place and wanted to run away and writing was my only safe haven. Then things got worse and worse  but gradually things started to get better and most of my problems disappeared (thankfully)
Now, for those wondering I got married and am pregnant with someone I never knew possible and life is good
I raise my question again should I continue the book or just erase it and call it a day.
Love you all too much and thank you for all the love and support you have shown me
Lots of hugs and kisses

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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