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Xyon Pov

It's been roughly two weeks since the fight that took place between Blue Creek and The Red Dawn. It had taken too many wolves to calm that sh*t down and now everyone was expecting me to come back and punish everyone responsible when all I wanted was to just get the hell out of there and get as far away as possible.

Something was not right of that he was sure. His wolf was extremely quite. Everyone's wolf was acting as if coming out of a deep sleep or something. Octavius' was the worst not even acknowledging his presence!

After the long talk with my dad I knew I had to get away even if it was only for a few days to gather my wits again. So not knowing where to go I did the only thing that I was capable of doing...

I gave complete control to my somewhat reluctant wolf...

After running for God knows how long the woods were far behind me. Hopefully this small town would have the peace that I was looking for...

After settling in a nearby hotel I went for a walk, convincing myself that some sunshine would be good for me but within 15 minutes of my walk it started to rain cats and dogs forcing me to take shelter in the nearest place which thankfully was a small Café.

As soon as I entered I was met with a very hyper waitress.

"Can I help you sir? What would you like to order? We serve everything? She asked in an overly sweet voice with large sparkling eyes reminding me if someone yet not knowing who exactly.

Squinting my eyes and pinching the bridge of my nose I just ordered a cup and tried to unwind my tense muscles.

"Sir please, let me show you the best spot in our humble Café" she pleaded as I started to walk outside.

"I'd rather sit outside if you won't mind, I really don't want to be disturbed" seeing the hurt plastered on her face I added

"I've kind of had a rough time" I explained not knowing why soon she was back to her chirpy happy self.

"I am sure you have sir, please make yourself comfortable and I'll be back with your coffee asap" with that she went back inside as I settled on the plush chair just looking at the rain pouring heavily in front of me.

Xenia Pov

"Sophia, where did you go? You know I need you here at the back not serving customers. You know you are one of the only good cooks we have" I reprimanded her softly not wanting the others to hear us.

"I am sorry it's just that I saw a customer very lost so I just helped him out" she explained animatically using her hands and face to add dramatic effects.

What was I going to do with everything???

"Ok fine. Just give him his order and come back" I said pointedly and went back to baking more cupcakes.

I saw her pour a cup of black coffee and sneak out one cup cake as well.

"Hey? Did he order that" I asked suspiciously because knowing Sophie she likes to give out free food thinking that we can afford it which unfortunately can't be further from the truth.

"No, I was going to eat it myself" she said defensively while carrying the coffee and going as far away from me as she could but for some reason my wolf was just growling at me not pleased with my actions!

Xyon Pov

"I didn't order that" I stared at the waitress as she placed a cupcake beside my coffee.

"It's on the house" she said irritably.

"Thanks, but I don't want it" I insisted but she only shrugged and left.

Shaking my head at the weird girl I started to drink my coffee when my phone started to ring

"I thought I said don't call me for a few days, or are you that incapable of handling things even for a few f*cking days" I snapped at Octavius who had dared to call.

"If you didn't want to be reached you should've shut your f*cking phone off" he snapped back at me.

We were both angry and our breaths were coming in deep angry puffs just showing how much our wolves were not in control.


"How's your wolf?" I asked him knowing very well his wolf had taken the hardest hit of all, why? None of us knew.

"Still mad as f*ck and not talking to me" he sighed frustratedly.

"Man I can't even remember the last time I shifted" he further explained his confusion.

"Yeah, I understand exactly what you mean. How are the others?" I hoped something would have changed to the better in these past few days.

"Same, if not worse" he confirmed my suspicions...

"You know everyone is waiting for you to come back. Things are getting quite out of hands" he told me the dreaded piece of news.

"I'll be soon back" I took a bite from the cupcake and started to cough loudly.

"You ok man?" Octavius asked frantically but I just kept coughing. It's taste was so repulsive it was undercooked and the ingredients were completely messed up.

"Talk to me man, you ok?" He asked again.

"Yeah, yeah I am fine. I'll talk to you later" with that I ended our call and went to have a word with the worst cook ever!

Xenia Pov

"Excuse me I'd like to have a talk with the cook" a very deep furious voice demanded from behind the counter.

Taking a deep breath I went to face the angry voice, here goes nothing. Dammit she was not a f*cking cook and everyone was complaining. This is all because of Sophia!

I am going to kill her!

Staring at the angry wolf I sucked in a sudden deep breath which caught his attention. Turning around to face me, wide eyes, he just completely froze!


"Yes?" I asked but the frozen wolf just kept staring at me as if I was a ghost.

"Umm... I am the cook" I said in a small voice readying myself for his lashing

"Complements to the cook?" He said confusedly, blinked a few times took out a 100 dollar bill placed it on the countertop, blinked another few times sucked in a deep breath and almost ran out of the Café?


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