Chapter 4, part 1

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P.S. Xavier is in the picture above...
Ahhh😆😆😆 he really is some fine eyecandy...😉

Xavier pov

'Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. Just get the damn shewolves back to our pack' Octavius mindlinked some of us. He sounded a bit agitated and all of us could pick it up through the link.

"Care to tell us what we are supposed to do? We are used to fighting wolves not babysitting some she's" Ajax said irritably

"Language" I warned no matter how much we didn't like the situation didn't give us the right to disrespect them.

Ajax just huffed and kept silent for the rest of the trip.

Octavius had given us the address to the Café and advised us to tread carefully!

Whatever that meant?

The minute we arrived we scattered near the café. Each wolf carelessly took a spot for himself as if to show this was way beneath their duties as pack warriors. I did agree with them but I wasn't going to tell them and make them grumpier than they already are.

After about an hour Castor walked in my direction.

"Shouldn't we wait inside?" Castor asked as he came near.

"Na, let's not overwhelm them and scare them away" I replied but I could see from the corner of my eye that a bunch of shewolves were laughing and walking towards the café.

'They're here' I mindlinked them each wolf kept his distance not wanting to give them a chance to run away not that they had any chance of escaping but still none of us wanted to hunt a bunch of shewolves around town.

One of them tried her key but when she figured out it was open all laughter evaporated and I could see them frantically entering and talking animatedly to each other. We all could sense their fear and dread, yes it was that clear.

We gave them about five minutes to freak out completely before following them inside.

"We are closed, please come back later" one of them said shakily while another one was huddled in a corner and crying softly.

"Please, just leave us alone, our friend is missing and her blood is all over the floor" another shewolf said between sobs.

All in all they were a complete mess and for some insane reason my heart reached out to them and I could feel all our wolves were uncomfortable seeing them this distressed.

Taking control over the situation

"Ahem, I think you girls need to come with us" this caught all their attention.

Ajax just snorted into our mindlink.

'I think the direct approach wasn't the best way Xav' Castor mindlinked amusedly.

"Your friend is at our pack house" I corrected my mistake by explaining the reason why they should come with us.

"Xenia is with you?" One of them charged towards me. My wolf didn't like her tone and a low growl escaped my throat this made her back down a bit but still hostile and many questions swirling in her eyes.

"Look, you girls need to calm down. We aren't here to hurt any of you or cause any problems" Castor said while raising his hands upwards in a surrendering manner.

"He's right. We just came here doing a favor for your friend who was lucky enough to be found by one of our close friends bleeding and unconscious. She's been at our infirmary getting her health back" the minute they heard their friend was in an infirmary all reason left and they said in on breath.

"Take us to her please"

"That's why we are here" I smiled.

Before getting into our cars one of them stopped and turned around to face me.

"You do know that we can't have the council knowing about us being packless" this made all wolves growl in distaste which surely caught her attention but I knew I had to ease her concerns for the time being.

"Our friend gave us the jist of your unique situation" I said without showing any teeth because as much as my wolf wanted to take over to show his displeasure and anger about it I knew I had to control him.

Xenia Pov

I was given a very beautiful room to rest in but I knew this belonged to the wolf who saved me as his scent was oozing from each pore of the room. Well he must be a high ranking wolf if the grandeur of this room had a say in it.

I explored his closet, cupboards, desk, and any other thing that could be explored before I entered the bathroom.

Please don't judge me; he did say this was my room to use as I please...

His bathroom simply took my breath away, not only was it beautiful but it felt so familiar yet so foreign...

To remove this feeling of uneasiness I decided to take a bath. My wolf was very quiet. She is never this quiet, but I could detect some sadness in her?

This was not the time for my wolf to be moody or hormonal!

I just ignored her and looked for the toiletries. I found them neatly placed but all of them were too masculine. Well they'll have to do, it's not like I have a choice?

Pouring some bathsalts in my bath I took of my clothes and got ready for a long relaxing bath.

Oh I was so going to enjoy this...

Xyon Pov

'Can we go to her' my wolf asked excitedly in my head.

'Not now man, just give her some time to settle down' I tried to get him to calm down but he was anything but calm.

'Please Xyon, just for a minute' he compromised while swishing his tail from side to side still very much excited.

'Who are you? And what did you do to my wolf?' I teased him but he didn't take it too kindly because he whimpered and shut me off.

'C'mon, I was just messing with you' I called out but no response.

Serves me right, I shouldn't have teased him since I knew the shewolf was a very touchy subject for him. But in reality I didn't want him to allow his fantasy of her being our supposed "mate" to cloud his judgment and live the lie only to get his hopes crushed and heartbroken.

I still remember after our first meeting with the mysterious shewolf he kept nagging and nagging, asking me to try to feel if she was our mate and again and again my answer was the same.


But somehow even when he knew she wasn't our mate he felt this need and urge to be near her, see her, and protect her.

After leaving Octavius I asked for immediate reports about a group of packless shewolves and all I got was that they had heard such rumors but since they had nothing tangible they didn't want to bother me.

Yeah Right!

Well, since no one knew the best way to find out is to go directly to the source and ask her herself, this got my wolf's attention and even though he wasn't talking to me I could feel his excitement building.

Dammit I hated seeing my wolf so happy while knowing very well soon all this would end yet haunt and hurt us both.


Hello my dolls😚 hope you are all well and enjoying your day or night.
As for our wolves, man they really have no idea what they are getting in to and as for Xyon and Xenia 🙈🙈🙈.....

Take care beauties...

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