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Tuesday March 7th, 2090
Huntington Beach, California

Kyle woke up to his phone ringing
He saw the time and knew he was late for school then checked his phone and saw Bryce was calling
"What dude I'm not going to school" said Kyle
"They fucking killed Ryan" said Bryce
"What?" asked Kyle
"They fucking killed him. They killed two whole fucking classrooms" said Bryce
"Shit where the fuck are you?" asked Kyle
"Coach Marcus' classroom" said Bryce
"I'll be on my way meet me at the back entrance. Hannah is calling me I'll see you there" said Kyle
Kyle hung up and answered Hannah's call
"What's up Hannah?" asked Kyle
"Kyle you need to help. I'll explain later but you need to get me away from my parents. It's urgent" said Hannah
"Hannah I need to go get Bryce from school the Russians are killing people there" said Kyle
"Kyle they're going to kill me. My dad already contacted the RHA and everything they're going to kill us" said Hannah
"Fuck, I'll be right there just hang on Hannah" said Kyle
Kyle hung up the phone and while getting dressed texted Bryce about the situation
He ran downstairs and grabbed a gun from his dads hidden armory and ran out the door to his car
He turned in his car and backed out the driveway then sped off to Hannah's house

Kyle got to her house in a few minutes but the street was already blocked off by Russian hazmat units
He drove around the block and instead used an alleyway to get behind Hannah's house
He left his car on but got out and opened the back gate
He slowly crept up to the house and texted Hannah to come out the back door
He waited there for a few minutes and saw Hannah walking to the back door but being stopped by two Russian soldiers from the room she just came from
Kyle knew there wasn't much he could do except for go in get her himself
He opened the glass sliding door and confronted the two Russian soldiers
He drew his gun and held it up at the two Russian soldiers
"Let her go, no one has to die" said Kyle quietly
From the other room where the Russians came from he heard another voice speaking in Russian
"Let her come to me and no one is going to die. All I want is her" said Kyle
From the other room came a Russian soldier holding a rifle
When he entered the room Kyle pointed the gun towards him and pulled the trigger twice
The soldier collapsed to the ground
The one Russian soldier who wasn't holding Hannah pulled a knife from his belt and charged Kyle
As he charged, Kyle shot him five times in the chest
The Russian still had enough adrenaline to slash Kyle on the neck with his knife before collapsing to the ground
Kyle fell to a knee clenching his neck while still aiming his gun at the one Russian who was next to Hannah who now let go of her and backed away
Kyle got up and in a fit of rage he approached the last Russian and hip tossed him to the ground
He got on top of him and and started repeatedly punching him until he went unconscious
Kyle stood up and grabbed Hannah as they ran out the back door to his car
"Kyle are you okay?" asked Hannah
"I'm good Hannah. We need to go find Bryce" said Kyle
They got into Kyle's car and drove off to the school

They drove through the streets of LA as Russian BTRs and troop carriers drove along side them towards the school
"Hannah check my neck" asked Kyle
Hannah removed the bandage that she's been holding to his neck and saw his cut stopped bleeding
"It stopped bleeding" said Hannah
"Good, now tell me what the fuck is going on?" asked Kyle
"I don't know I can't guess what they would want at the school" said Hannah
"No Hannah what the fuck is going on with you?" asked Kyle
"Kyle please let's not talk about this please" said Hannah
"Hannah... tell me" said Kyle
"Kyle, I'm infected. My mom came home last night and I guess something went wrong at the lab and her lab room was exposed to pure material particles. Kyle the blistering already started I'm scared" said Hannah
Hannah rolled up her sleeve and showed Kyle a huge scar on her arm that was blood red and starting to blister
"What the fuck. HANNAH WHAT THE FUCK!" yelled Kyle
"Calm down I'm going to be fine we just need to take care of it" said Hannah
"And how do we do that? Go to the store and say we need shit to treat material poisoning?" asked Kyle
"I'll be fine as long as I don't let the blister bust while the material is still inside. It's forming a blister inside of me that is going to eventually get rid of all of the oxygen inside the area the blister is infecting. Once there's no oxygen the material that is formed inside me will float to the top of the bubble and we just need to take it out. Only problem is if that bubble pops when it's not ready to then it's going to be a lot harder for me to get help. At that point it will be a necessity to get to the United States for help" said Hannah
"No matter what I think we're going to need to get there at this point" said Kyle
They took a back road and turned into a street that led to the back of the school
Kyle was calling Bryce but as he was Bryce ran out the back of the school with three Russian soldiers chasing him
"Get down" said Kyle
Kyle got out of the car and yelled for Bryce to get down
Bryce dropped to the ground and Kyle pulled out his pistol
He raised it at the Russians and started firing at them
He hit one killing him then the rest ran for cover
"BRYCE GET THE FUCK IN!" yelled Kyle
Bryce ran for the car as Kyle reloaded and kept suppressing the Russians until Bryce was in
Kyle got in the car and they drove off as the Russians finally returned fire but they were too late
Kyle and his friends sped off onto the street and drove back to Kyle's house

Kyle pulled in the driveway and they all got out and ran into his house where Kyle's father was waiting in his kit with a rifle
"BLUE BLUE!" yelled Kyle
"Kyle what the fuck are you doing here?" asked Kyle's dad
"Fucking Ruskies attacked the school and were trying to take Hannah. Ryan is dead and we need to leave dad" said Kyle
"We're Americans Kyle we don't run. When the Ruskies invaded and I was just a PFC straight out of IMC. I stood my ground as my seniors and my leadership either ran or died around me" said Kyle's dad
"Dad Hannah is infected" said Kyle
"What?" asked Kyle's dad
"What?" asked Bryce
"She's infected and we need to get her help before it's too late" said Kyle
"Kyle there's no saving her she's a goner" said Kyle's dad
"I know how to save myself please believe me" said Hannah
"Yeah, wait until the material floats to the top of the blister then pop it but guess what no one makes it that far especially trying to go from California all the way to the DMZ. Besides how do you plan on crossing into the United States? It's fucking impossible Kyle" said Kyle's dad
"Dad please, I'm your son you know if anyone could get Hannah to the border and then get her across it you know it would be me. Dad please I can do this" said Kyle
"Bryce are you leaving too?" asked Kyle's dad
"The Russians killed my brother and I want to get back at them whatever way I can. But I need to go with my friends" said Bryce
"Fuck guess I'm on my own. Kyle grab another handgun, some ammo and your bug out bag. I'm going to get the phone with my men" said Kyle's dad
"Hannah run to my room you'll see my bag it's right next to my bed, Bryce come with me" said Kyle
Hannah ran to Kyle's room while Kyle and Bryce went to grab another gun and ammo
They all came back and Kyle's dad had a destination for them
"Get on your phone look up Barstow, it's a city not that far from here. When you get there look for a bar called the Tattered Flag and tell the bartender 'Once a powerful nation', you'll get the help you need there. Be safe Kyle, I love you" said Kyle's dad
"I love you too dad, give them hell" said Kyle
Kyle's and his friends left the house and got in their car then started driving away towards Barstow
As they were driving away, Russian BTRs pulled on the road that his house was on
They observed the vehicles stop out front of his house and troops started dismounting

After todays events at the school over one hundred students and staff were killed by Russian forces
The night following the attack on the school saw up to two hundred people dead or injured and plenty more arrested during riots responding to the attack
Throughout the rest of the night into the follow morning there's been attacks on Russian security precincts and Russian military installations across the city by groups of freedom fighters
It's clear today has become the breaking point for the once powerful and prideful American people
As tension is rising in the URFT there is conflict restarting once again in Eastern Europe
It's been reported that Borislavian Border Guards opened fire on a group of civilians approaching the border on foot
Russian forces returned fire, striking and killing a Borislavian soldier
Though that's the story that the Russian government is putting out
On the Borislavian side it seems the roles are reversed where instead the Borislavians started receiving fire from the Russian side of the border
The Borislavians responded by firing across the border which caused Russian troops to start firing at the Borislavian Border Guards
No matter the story, a man still lost his life and both sides of the story are trying to claim to be the victim

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