Playing with fire and water

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(Intro theme)
Open on the migration trail of a herd of centeosaurus. It was a long and exhausting journey for them, so they decide to stop and take a rest by the shade of large palm trees. However, it had rained last night, and when one of the ceratopsians leaned against one of the trees, water from its leaves fell out and into a crack which a blue experiment pod labeled 502 was wedged in. It then glows, and suddenly, the ground below the herd shakes and cracks to reveal steam and magma. The entire herd stampedes away as it bursts apart, allowing experiment 502 to emerge cackling viciously

 The entire herd stampedes away as it bursts apart, allowing experiment 502 to emerge cackling viciously

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502 was quadrupedal, orange-and-red and resembled a cross between a weasel, lizard and a Chinese dragon. It had volcano-like spouts along his back, two volcano-like antennae on his head, black eyes, a round nose and a wide mouth with two fangs sticking out.

Upon emerging from the ground, it then crawls to parts unknown to cause more destruction. Meanwhile, in a hot spring. A pair of paraceratherium were eating the top of a baobab tree, where a blue experiment pod labeled 501 was. When the male but down on the leaves holding it up, it fell into the water. The large mammals look down to see the water sink down and they head out to see experiment 501 reveal itself

 The large mammals look down to see the water sink down and they head out to see experiment 501 reveal itself

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501 was blue and amphibious, resembling that of a cephalopod. It had eight water hose-like tentacles, a long, thin body, a slug-like foot, two small arms, black eyes and three tendrils on her head.

Upon activation, it sucked up all the water with its tentacles, and as it did, it's body fattened up until it was round and plump with water. When eyeing the paraceratherium, it blasted water at them, causing them to stampede away, making 501 cackle

Cut to knockouts lair as he had just came out of the shower (don't ask) with 625 reading a book titled "escape from sandwich mountain" when the experiment container was going off

Knockout: must I do everything around here?

He then pressed the button as it showed 501 and 502

Computer: warning. Experiments 501 and 502 activated. Primary function: water and fire manipulation

Knockout; two experiments in one day? Haha! If I succeed in this I'll be on halakrah's good side double

He looks to 625 and groans as he takes away the book, and he is revealed to be asleep

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