Logical Care

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(Intro theme)
Open in the grassy fields of the farm landswhere we see large sauropods, indricotheres and ceratopsians pulling huge wheat harvesters. Thanks to their great strength, dinosaurs and large mammals can help the ponies with their crop gathering and wheat harvesting, and boy did they know how to use said strength. But what they didn't know was that somewhere in the wheat field was a green experiment pod with the label 222 on it. And an unsuspecting utahceratops harvests it along with the wheat it was in. And through a large tube on the left side of the harvester, it was ejected into a huge truck pulled by a paraceratherium which took the load to a large factory where cereal was made.

The large rhino then stops at the deposit station and unloads its load, no pun intended, where the wheat was turned into cereal, which was injected into cereal boxes on a conveyor belt going down. And one of those boxes unintentionally got the experiment pod inside, and the box was hauled away to a delivery truck pulled by a pair of mastodons who took it to the city

Cut to knockout in his lair he was confronting 625, who at the moment was raiding the fridge

625:  alright, let's see here. Ajian, Maui onion, thank you very much. Ya know? This may be the perfect sandwich

Knockout: I've asked you twice now you little foodie. Can't you do anything else besides make sandwiches?

625: of course! I slice them, I eat them, Aw, Futabasaurus we're outta bread!

Knockout groans in frustration, but then the experiment container lets out an alarm and it shows a little mini picture of an activated experiment which will seem very familiar to those of you who read the two parter prologue to this story

Knockout groans in frustration, but then the experiment container lets out an alarm and it shows a little mini picture of an activated experiment which will seem very familiar to those of you who read the two parter prologue to this story

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Computer: warning: experiment 222 activated. Primary function: virus

Knockout: ahh. I've heard of this one. This should be an easy one to find

With that knockout prepares himself for his experiment hunt, but just as he is about to head out, 625 comes up to him with a piece of paper in his hands

625: hey, ya heading out? Do me a favor and pick up some groceries while your out would ya?

Knockout takes the list and transforms into his vehicle form and drives off, 625 waves to him innocently

Knockout: why do I have to do all the work around here
Cut to the Harmony estate where everyone as packing bags for fluttershy. Since miko and fives trip to Rio, she was curious about meeting the Spix's macaw family, as they were thought to be extinct, and miko and five were more than happy to take her there, and they were just about ready to go

Five: ya sure you guys can handle things without us?

Hanazuki: ahh, don't worry HF. We got things all under control. You go have fun with your bird pals, we'll take care of things here in HQ

Miko: thanks, come on flutters. Your gonna love Rio! And your gonna love thhim ya our pals samba!

Fluttershy: I can hardly wait! Now, you've got the list for taking care of angel?

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