The Kixx of irony

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(Intro theme)
It was a bright and sunny day. A handsome stallion and a beautiful mare were standing atop a large cliff overlooking the sea. It is there 3 year marriage anniversary, and everything was absolutely perfect

Mare: oh, it's so beautiful

Stallion: anything for you sweetheart

After a moment of enjoying the scenery, they share a romantic kiss before heading off, the mare tossing a water bottle they brought down the cliffside where it spilled the remaining water onto a blue experiment pod with the label 601 on it, activating it

Experiment 601 was a large purple, muscular, beastly Tasmanian Devil-like creature with a violet stomach, chest, ear insides and spots around his eyes, bulky legs and torso, four strong gorilla-like arms with three fingers on each paw, a blue oval...

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Experiment 601 was a large purple, muscular, beastly Tasmanian Devil-like creature with a violet stomach, chest, ear insides and spots around his eyes, bulky legs and torso, four strong gorilla-like arms with three fingers on each paw, a blue oval spot on each elbow, short ears, hardly any neck, a wide mouth, a round nose and black eyes.

Upon activation he thrusted his fists in the air as he dashes up the cliffside and ambushed the couple

Stallion: hey! It's one of those experiments we've heard about!

601: arrrggg!!! Arrrggg!!!

The two ponies are frightened at the beast and try to walk around it, but 601 leaps right into their path snarling

Stallion: don't mess with us you beast! I know very important people

601 could care less about what the stallion said. Using his arms, he swung them like a tornado sweeping him off his feet and chucking him to a palm tree. When he fell to the ground, the mare dashes up to him and helps him on his feet. They look to see 601 walk right up to them chuckling wickedly
Cut to knockouts lair where 625 was currently making a new sandwich while knockout was bust waxing his chest

625: so, what'll it be today? Ham salad or todays special, peanut butter and pineapple

Upon those words he grabs a whole pineapple and squished it between two bread slices with peanut butter on them

Knockout: ugh! Your supposed to slice the pineapple before putting them in sandwich for brains. Can't you do anything else other than making sandwiches?

625: oh yeah! Panini

Knockout: dare I even ask what that means?

625: it's Italian, for sandwiches!

Upon finishing those words he sinks his teeth into his freshly made pb&p. Knockout groans in frustration before the experiment container blinks, the circular orb atop morphing into a holographic picture of 601

 Knockout groans in frustration before the experiment container blinks, the circular orb atop morphing into a holographic picture of 601

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