Dino Knight Saturiko

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(Intro theme)
It had been a few hours since the harmony landers battle with Filch, and whirl had just shown the Dynosaurs the shield that she found in her nest, and they knew immediately who it belonged to

Putera: that's the Styraco Shield!

Kera: cousin Saturiko's summoning weapon!

Dimenoko: that means he's here too

Sawyer: Saturiko? Is he a Dynosaur like you guys?

Tiranno: oh yeah. He's quite the piece of work

Kera: he's my idol! The best Saturikosaurus in all of Pangea! He's a superhero!

Parasa: I wouldn't say that amigo. I'd say he's more of a idiota egocéntrico

Ankiro: that's an understatement. He's a real self confident jerk. Always full of himself. He always charges into action carrying his super fancy shmancy Triassic Megarover all over the place "saving" ya from simple little crises

Sawyer: man. He definitely sounds like a real pain in the tail

Parasa: oh no sabes ni la mitad amigo. Satirizing is so frustración molesta he makes me want to cortarle los cuernos!

Danny: well I know the perfect person to weird his shield

Sawyer: wait, you mean me?

Danny: well yeah! You wield the pink energem, and you turn into a triceratops and have a Tricera-Drill. Could use another ceratopsian in your arsenal

Sawyer: Huh. I suppose that's true. Plus, I could use some training with this thing anyway

Sawyer holds the shield and examines it, and then, POW! The blade in the center stretches out in the center of the two spikes atop the shields frill, resembling a blade

Sawyer: wow. That is what I call nice

But what none of them knew, was that the power of the styracosaurus was entering her energem, and the abilities transferring into her Dino knight wrist screen, and the species Styracosaurus Albertensis appears on the screen

Meanwhile in Ago's lair, Halakrah was hard at work with three new Monsuno species, the Spikelash, the Firewalker, and the Snapclaw

They were fierce, they were ferocious, and they had to be shackled down by chains and muzzles because they were extremely monstrous

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They were fierce, they were ferocious, and they had to be shackled down by chains and muzzles because they were extremely monstrous

Halakrah: those energems and experiments will be as good as ours with you three. Now. Who shall I send out first?

All three of them snarl and his, and growl and paw the ground. It was difficult to choose between the three, so she despised to send out all three, she then decided to send out two Pinacobots, a Darkus Atchibee

 It was difficult to choose between the three, so she despised to send out all three, she then decided to send out two Pinacobots, a Darkus Atchibee

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