The Trojan Dinosaur

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(Intro theme)
Inside the large garage underneath the lighthouse, Stegz was examining the D-team and their current condition while the others were recovering from the battle in New Hampshire

Bullseye: so let me get this straight, those guys trapped max and the others in their dinosaur forms, on purpose?!

Stegz: according to my data, our friends were unfortunate enough to be blast with some transfixing energy, no doubt with the legion of doom planning to use the, for their army the same way as all the other dinosaurs they imprisoned. The only way to reverse the effects it seems is for the same contraption used to trap them to blast at them again

Terry: and knowing the legion of doom, that's not happening anytime soon

Caruso: you mean we'll be stuck as dinosaurs forever?! I'll never see my haircut again?!

Buzz; Caruso, can ya for once in your life not focus on your looks?

Tyro: he's right. We need to find a way to save Mrs Moynihan and littlefoot. No doubt that Shredz probably teamed up with Veloci by now

Cera: so what are we waiting for? I'm not afraid of that fast biter! Let's go to raptordine and take him down once and for all!

Buzz: easier said than done dudette. If I know Veloci, and I wish I didn't, his lairs probably hidden deeper, and got more booby traps than the wickedest video game I ever played, and lost

Max: well how are we supposed to figure out a plan? Kittery High doesn't exactly offer Dino Commando classes. All I know is a bunch of useless algebra, history, and literature

Rodger: everything we learn is useless, until we put it to use

Buzz: the brainosaurus is right. We just gotta use our heads, like sir Isaac newton did when he saw the apple fall

Fiona: not newton, robin hood!

Spiny: huh? Since when did Robin Hood discover the laws of gravity?

Tank: she's not talking about that egg brain

Stegz: of course not! She's referring to when the sheriff of Nottingham put a reward on Robin Hood's head

Stego spike: huh?

Braxor: what does that have to do with this?

T-bone: he means Veloci put a reward on whoever finds the Dino squad!

Verapz: so what do ya suggest we do? Tell Veloci where they are?

Petrie: make Veloci catch us, ON PURPOSE?!?!

Max: wait, that's it! We'll do what the Greeks did in Troy!

Tank: oh yeah! Now ya talking my language!

Ridge: oh yeah, we bust into raptordine and rip that raptor to pieces!

Max: no, I'm talking about the Trojan horse. Only we won't use a horse-

Aladar: of course not! We'll trick Veloci with a Trojan dinosaur! And I think I have just the plan on how we're gonna pull it off.

Then, to everyone's surprise, they hear helicopter blades. They look out and see a large raptordine helicopter hauling a large green meteor all too fa,Iliad to the Dino warriors

 They look out and see a large raptordine helicopter hauling a large green meteor all too fa,Iliad to the Dino warriors

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