The Metal Thief

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(Intro theme)
It was a typical day in Manehattan. All the ponies were going about their daily business as usual. But then suddenly, without warning, a shadow swept across the city. A large avian figure swooped over the landscape as it landed right on top of a large building, the sun right behind the giant creature so they could only see it's dark figure as it screeches for the entire town to hear.

It then looks to a nearby taxi and is amazed by its beautiful new paint as it too shines by the suns rays

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It then looks to a nearby taxi and is amazed by its beautiful new paint as it too shines by the suns rays. Wasting no time, it leapt onto the taxi, clutching it tightly with its talons, and flies off to parts unknown leaving everybody to watch in horror


It wasn't long before news of the creature reached the harmony estate. Elita knew very well what his was a decepticon, but she needed to see it for herself to make sure who the decepticon was. Wasting no time, she and her autobots head out to the most recent sighting of the creature, splitting into teams. Elita and Arcee, bulkhead and bumblebee, Skidz and Mudflap, the Dinobots, and red alert and sideswipe

Elita: this is Elita and bumblebee. No sign of out decepticon

Red alert: nothing on our scanners either

Sludge; nothing new here either boss lady

Mudflap: ain't no nothing here either girl, but we're still waiting

From back in the estate, whirl was watching on the computer monitor, frustrated she couldn't go with them on the mission, but they were watching for the signature of they're decepticon. Then suddenly, a decepticon mark appears right behind red alert and sideswipe

Mechagodzilla: it's just appeared on the screen. It's on the move, fast approaching you red alert

Red alert: thanks for the heads up. I just got it on my screen too. We'll be ready

That's when the creature swooped right over their heads. It was definitely a decepticon as it perched itself on top of a power line revealing its full body. It only stopped to rest after a long flight before seeing a small energy box on the power lines next to her shine in the sun

 It only stopped to rest after a long flight before seeing a small energy box on the power lines next to her shine in the sun

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