Chapter 8- Are we going home?

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Grace & Niall: CHECK, Alita & Liam: CHECK, Eliza & Harry: CHECK, Stef & Zayn: CHECK, Jess & Louis: CHECK! Yaaaay everyone’s together! “Hey, Niall. Did you ever think about what will happen when we get out of here?” I was lying in Niall's lap, him playing with my really knotty hair. “Ummm, not really. I guess we just see what happens but I was thinking you could maybe come live with me? I have a really big flat in London. If you don’t want to I get it but...” he trailed off, “YES! But I might have to see mum and dad and my sisters first, you know to make sure they are ok with it and to catch up and stuff.”

“Oh, yea. Of course!”



“Hey Zayny!” I said sweetly, “what do you want now?” he said cheekily, “Well, I was kinda wondering, what do you want to do if we get rescued? Do you want to like move in together? Or tell the press first or what?”

“Well, why don’t you move in with me? We can go out shopping and stuff for you girls. All us boys live in the same street but a couple of houses apart so we have a little privacy. So, what do ya say?”

“Hmmm, I like your thinking!” we were sitting at the waters edge, my head on his shoulder looking at the waves rolling in. It was quite romantic really.



hmmmmm, I really like harry. He’s adorable! We are looking out at the greenery, his arms around my waist, its beautiful. “Your so beautiful,” Harry whispers into my shoulder, as his head is on my shoulder. “Harry, what happens now? I mean, we are going to be rescued soon, does that mean we are going to break up? Will you have time for me and...” He smashing his lips to mine cut me off, us moving in sync. He spun me around to face him and said, “Nothing, nothing will break us apart. I was thinking that if we moved in together it would make us stronger? What do you say?” he had a hopeful look in his eyes, “yes harry, of course. I, I think I love you,” I said looking down, “Eliza,” He tilted my head up and kissed me again, “I love you too,”



We are such children, Louis, Liam, Alita and I. We are all running through the trees playing chasey. Louis and Liam are chasing Alita and I. Louis caught me, wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek softly. At that very moment, Liam caught Alita and kissed her lips softly. “Hey, Jess, I was wondering. Do you want to move in with me when we get back? If you don’t, there is a vacant flat next to Liam and I’s so if you want you could live there?” Louis asked with uncertainty. “Umm, well Alita and I were flat mates back home and we were kinda hoping to stay living together, but only if we are still next to you guys.”

“Is that ok?” alita asked, “Yes babe, that’s perfectly fine. We are only like 10 steps away anyway.” Liam replied, Alita still in his arms. “Great! Lets just hope its still on the market when we get back.” “You know what that means right?” Alita said, I looked at her and we both said, “SHOPPING!” in unison.  


I seriously can’t wait to get home now! Just to see my family would be amazing! My sister would be almost 19 now, god where has that time gone? I can’t wait to see everyone back home, how worried would they be? I don’t think anyone’s really thought about that, it’s too sad. “LIAAAMMMM! I WANNA GO HOOOME!” I said, he quickly came over to me from what he was doing and sat next to me on the sand, cuddling with me. “I know baby girl. We’ll get home soon, don’t you worry. I love you so much, whoever thought that a terrible tragedy could turn into something beautiful?”

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