Chapter 11- Oh hey there London!

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Well, todays the day! We are moving over to London so we can live with the boys. I have just packed my last bag of shit and I'm ready to go, one small problem though, ZAYNS BLOODY ASLEEP! "Wakey wakey! C'mon sweetie you need to get up NOW!" I said, starting off soft and sweet and finishing really loudly. "NO! I don't want to!" he whined, so I got onto the bed, laid next to him, "Oh nice of you to-" I cut him off by pushing him off the bed. "HAHAHAHA AWW BABE! You really thought I would be nice? Hahahaha who do you think I am?!" hahaha I'm sorry, this is hilarious. "Well, if you put it that way..." He said, with an evil smirk on his face, "Right, that's it!" I yelled and jumped on him, tickling him. "Guyssss! C'mon, breakfast ti- EWWWWWWWWW! MY EYES! IM ONLY 17!!!!!!!!!!" oops, Tash must've walked in during our tickle fest. I realized what this must look like and quickly got off. "Sorry!" I squeaked, "She tickled me!" Zayn said whining, my sister just laughed and off she went downstairs to where I could smell, "FOOOOOOD!"


And there she goes, wow she has too much energy at 7 in the morning god! "ZAYN! Get down here before I drag you and eat your breakfast as well!" I hear, "OK OK CALM!" I scream back, it must've been Stef.


It's been about an hour and Zayn and I are almost ready to go, a limo is coming to pick us up and a truck to get all of my stuff. We hear a beep coming from outside, "That must be the limo," Said my mum, with tears in her eyes, "Yea, you guys are coming with us though to see us off!" I said cheerily. She nodded, hopefully happy. "Well, here goes nothing," Zayn said as we hoped into the limo, met by 8 smiling faces.


Stef and Zayn hopped into the limo and by their faces, I'm gonna say they were scared at what they saw. I mean, who wouldn't? We are a pretty scary bunch, especially when we are all smiling and EXTREMELY excited! Who wouldn't be? WE ARE ABOUT TO BE LIVING IN LONDON WITH OUR BOYFRIENDS! And especially because I have wanted to live in London since I was 5, you know that 'become a princess' type thing because of the royal family and stuff. "Ok, is it just me or are they crazy?" Stef whispered to Zayn and by whispering I mean basically yelling, "Hey! I heard that!" Said Louis, with a fake angry expression on his face, crossing his arms and leaning on jess's shoulder like a toddler who had just had their candy taken away. "Oh you poor baby," Jess said, patting his head. "Ok enough with the pity party! Lets get some tunes going!" I yelled, hoping to get everyone's attention, luckily I did. "Oi driver! Can we have some music?" Grace asked the driver, "of course miss, I have already set up a playlist for the drive to the airport, also you will be getting iPods with the songs on it for the plane!" The driver said cheerily, handing Grace (who was the closest to the driver) 10 iPods and lists with all the songs on it.

Grace handed out the iPods and lists, reading through it I shouted out, "GLOBAL CONCEPTIONS PLEASE! TAP THAT SONG!" to Grace, she just smirked and pressed the button, knowing how much I love that song.


Almost immediately after the song starts, everyone is screaming out the lyrics and dancing wildly, "OR DID I MAKE YOU FUCKING DANCE!" we all screamed/sung out the only bit everyone knows. "Oh oh oh! This is my favourite bit!" Alita yells, of course it's her favourite bit, it's the instrumental bit and it is pretty cool. "You guys should do a song like this one day," Jess said, or tried to, over the music, "Mmmmmm that might not go down well with management, us doing a song like this. It would probably make our fans grow but not the parents probably," I said, "yea trust you to care about management and the parents, I say lets go for it! But maybe wait till after tour," Harry said

"What tour? Eliza asked

"Oh right, well we weren't meant to be telling you guys just yet, Harry!" I said giving Harry a death look, "But, we are going to be going on tour in around three to four months, you guys are only allowed for some of it because of stupid management again. I'm gonna ask if you guys can come for all of it because I reckon it will be fun but we really need to forget about all of this coz we will get in heaps of trouble if anyone finds out you know." I exclaimed, "now, please turn the music up and change the song to Blurred lines!" I said, hinting that the conversation was over. Shaking his head, Niall pressed a few buttons and we heard the intro to blurred lines, only the greatest song in the world!

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