Chapter 12- Eliza, STOP SCREAMING

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“Aannnndd we are DONE!” I say, sliding down the wall to sit down. My room is finished!!!!! I bet you anything though; the other girls wouldn’t have even started! They are so lazy. “Wanna call the other girls and see if they are done?” Harry asks, “Nah lets just walk over to Jess and Alita’s flat, we’ll see how their going. Do they have big speakers like you? If so there will be a party and we’ll invite everyone!!” I say, rambling on as you do.

When we got to Alita and Jess’s house (AJ house for short) they weren’t doing anything, just sitting down on Louis and Liam’s laps talking, “Um excuse me guys, what’s going on?? WE HAVE TO GO SHOPPING SOON AND IF YOU DON’T GET EVERYTHING ORGANISED WE CAN’T GO!” I yelled, they just laughed and got up. “Well I’m gonna go get Grace and Stef and see if their ready so we can leave and go without you…”

“No no no! You can’t leave without us! Can you get them to come and help us? Please!” Jess says, “Yea! We have to do a whole house! I found speakers that were already here! One in every room so we can put music on” Alita finished, I simply laughed and went to go find the other girls.


“We are FINITO!” I said as I walked around my new room, which we had just finished! Zayn had it painted for me and it’s so cool! The walls are all white but have splatters of aqua, turquoise and baby blue everywhere! I have a walk in robe and ensuite with a bath that is also a spa! I’m so excited the room is so cool.


“This looks so bloody amazing babe,” Zayn said, “IF YOU DON’T BLOODY OPEN THIS FREAKING DOOR RIGHT NOW IM GONNA BASH IT DOWN MYSELF AND COME AND KILL YOU ALL!” We heard from downstairs, “Well, I know who that is and by the sounds of this we better get down there before she does what she says she will.” I say, knowing who it is. “COMING COMING CALM DOWN!” I yell back, god I thought I was the violent one!

“You guys better open this door right now or—“ The voice behind the door says but we cut it off by opening up the door. “Happy?” Zayn asked, Eliza just smiled and nodded, “Very thanks, now you have to get your butts over to Alita and jess’s house so we can help them settle in and then we can go shopping! So the sooner you get over there the sooner we go shopping, got it? Good, HOP TO IT!” Zayn groaned and I clapped and smiled, rushing off towards A&J’s house pulling Zayn behind me, poor poor Zayn. “Steeef do we HAVE to go? I don’t want tooo!” He said, “Aw poor poor Zayn, please cry me a river” I said, sticking my tongue out at him and running away, “Your sooo gonna get it!” I hear him yell but I’m already walking into alita and jess’s house and he cant stop me! Mwahahaha.


“OPEN THE DOOR NOW!” We hear a voice coming from downstairs that sounds…tired? Or angry? I don’t know, one of the two. “Niall please open it, I have to just put these last few items of clothing into the wardrobe,” Grace whined, her and her designer clothing god will only know! “Fine but only coz you love me,” “You bet I do.” She said, naww she’s the cutest. As I open the door, a panting Eliza walks in, “Where’s Grace? I need her and you now!” She says, confused. I decide to play with her a bit, “She decided to go visit some friends, problem?” A volcano erupted, “WHAAAAT! NIALL HORAN WHERE IS SHE? I NEED BOTH OF YOU RIGHT THIS MINUTE OTHERWISE—“ And speaking of the devil, “otherwise what?” Grace says, walking down the stairs casually, “you know what, I’m tired could you both get your asses over to Alita and Jess’s house, thanks that’s all” And with that, she walked out the door practically panting, she’s funny. “Well then I guess we gotta go aye?” I said, Grace just nodded, “Yea and after that you could maybe take me somewhere nice? Thanks baby.” 

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