Chapter Nine

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Danielle's Prov:

I didn't know what to say. I felt like everything was in slow motion. So much had just happened in the last ten minutes, it was a lot to take in all at once. I felt like my head was spinning. I mean first there was the tension in the dinning room, then the fight between Luke and Ben. Now Ben was asking me to be his girlfriend. I couldn't comprehend everything that was happening.

I looked at Ben and I couldn't help but feel guilt. I knew Ben liked me, and I liked him as well. But the problem was I still had feelings for Luke. Strong feelings and it wasn't fare for me to string Ben along without him knowing everything. I didn't want things to end with Ben. but I didn't want to break his heart either.

"Ben I can't." I said to him as I looked at the ground in front of me. I felt Ben walk closer to me and touched my arm.

"Why can't you Danielle? Don't you want to be with me?" He questioned.

I let out a long sigh, and looked Ben in the eyes. " Ben I still have feelings for Luke." I said to him. I watched as many different emotions ran threw his eyes. but the final one was sadness.

"So what this has been nothing? You've just been stringing me along?" He asked as he started to pace in front of me.

"Ben it's not like that. I really like you, it's just I have feelings for Luke as well." I said to him as I continued to watch him pace.

"So what you want to be with him?" Ben asked me as he stopped pacing to look at me.

"I don't know what I want Ben. I thought I wanted to move on from him. Now I just don't know. I'm beyond confused right now." I said to him as I ran my fingers threw my hair.

"Danielle you know how I feel about you. Your the first girl I have wanted to be serious with in a long time. But this is a lot to handle right now." He said to me as he started to walk to his car.

"Wait Ben where are you going?"

"I just need some time to think Danielle." He said to me as he got into his truck and drive off.

"Ben please wait." I said to him but it was to late, he was already gone.

I felt my heart clench some. Watching Ben drive away definitely wasn't something I enjoyed. I don't know how long I stood there looking at my driveway. I guess a part of me was thinking that if I stayed and waited long enough, that he would come back.

But he didn't come back, and I knew he wasn't going to. I wiped the tears that had fallen down my face. Anger suddenly filled my body, Luke had no right to interfere like he did. He had no right to say the things he did. None of this would have happened if he hadn't opened his mouth and started drama.

I spun back around and walked into the house. I could hear arguing coming from the kitchen.

"Luke you need to calm down." Greg said to him as he tried to get him to sit down.

"Get your fucking hands off of me man, I'm not in the mood for this shit right now." Luke said to him as he pushed Greg off of him. "He had no right to say that to me.

My heart clenched some at his words. I knew what Ben had said to him had really affected him. When I walked into the room all eyes were on me. Luke started to walk towards me, put I put my hand out to stop him.

"We'll give you guys some privacy." My grandmother said as she ushered everyone out of the area. I watched them all leave then I looked back at Luke

"You had no right to do that Luke." I said to him as I walked over to him.

"To hit him? Yes I fucking did have a right. He shouldn't have said what he did to me."

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