Chapter 10

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I groaned as I turned over to be more comfortable in my bed when I heard loud banging on the door. I mumbled something along the lines of '5 more minutes, Mom' while covering my ears to drown out the annoying noise. That's when everything that's happened flooded my head, and I jolted upwards. There was still banging with a high-pitched voice calling for Adriel. Oh yeah... I found my mate, an Alpha of another pack, and moved in with him... I wondered if he ever came to the room to sleep since the couch was empty.

I lazily got up and walked towards the door, desperately wanting the banging to stop. I opened the door to see an about my height with long, straight black hair and dark brown eyes. She reminded me of Althea. Which reminds me, where is Althea? The strange girl looked angry when she saw me and pushed past me into the room.

"Who are you? What are you doing here? Where is Addy?" Addy? I wonder if she meant Adriel and shuttered at the dorky nickname.

"Um, I'm Leia. Who are you? And what do you need with Adriel?" I watched her shuffle around the room, peeking in the closet and bathroom. My wolf was getting antsy at another female in our room like she owned the place. Her head whipped to look at me with a scowl.

"I haven't seen Addy since he left for the stupid ceremony. You don't need to know why I'm looking for him." I was too tired for this, and I hated being woken up. Feeling grumpy, I folded my arms over my chest as we had a short staring contest.

"Addy? He's probably busy. And as his mate, I think I should know." I was surprised by the strength of my voice while the strange girl's dark brown eyes widened in horror.

"What?! You're not his mate." She spat, obviously angry at the situation.

"I am! We found each other at the Choosing Ceremony, and now I'm living here." I felt my body tense as this stranger came close to me with angry eyes.

"No. You're not! You can't be. You don't deserve him! I'm supposed to be his chosen!" My eyes widened at her words. H-he has a chosen?! What the hell! I could feel Tala clawing to get out, angry and threatened by this female who claimed she was our mate's chosen. You're not supposed to pick a chosen until after you've attended the Choosing Ceremony several times and the Elders have approved it. Having a chosen is not entirely unknown, but it's uncommon.

"What are you talking about? Adriel never said anything about you!" I half-shouted back. I can't believe I'm getting so worked up over a guy I barely know, but my wolf's feelings are coming out strong for our mate.

"Hm. Probably because you aren't even worth it! Maybe he only brought you to please his parents just for show." She grinned evilly as she stepped back and began walking away. "Remember me, Leia. I, Noemi, am Adriel's chosen." With that, she walked away triumphantly.

I couldn't shake the angry tears that started to fall from my brown eyes. What is happening? There's no way that could be true. Why would Adriel continue going to the Choosing Ceremony and bring me home if he had chosen? He acted so possessively of me around Cael and Marco, so he has to feel the bond, right? I'm not just here for a show, right? Is that why he barely talks to me and always leaves me alone?

I couldn't help all these stupid thoughts that filled my mind. I hate feeling like I'm desperate for him to like me. I barely even know him! Why do I have to think like this? Lance and Mom said finding your mate was the best thing in the world. Selene and Cleo look so happy already... So why can't I be?

Finally relaxing, I decided I wouldn't let this stupid girl Noemi get me upset anymore. I'll just have to talk to Adriel about it later. If I ever see him... He could have left a note or waited for me to wake up before leaving me. With a huff, I walked towards the closet to get new clothes and get ready for a shower. Forget her!

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