Chapter 11

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Once out of the shower, I dried myself off and wrapped the towel around my body to blow dry my hair. I left my dark brown hair in natural soft curls rather than styling it.

That's when I heard the door open, and I jumped in shock, dropping my mascara. Thank Goddess, I didn't poke my eye out! I looked towards the door, making my eyes widen, and my body heated up as I gripped my towel. Oh, this is awkward... Adriel. We both stood there momentarily, and I could've sworn his bright blue eyes darkened.

As soon as his eyes widened, he shook his head, muttering a 'sorry,' and shut the door hard. I finally released the breath I didn't know I was holding and gripped the counter as my heart raced. Oh, my Goddess, I can't believe he saw me in a towel! I felt so embarrassed and did not want to leave the bathroom. Why didn't I lock the door?!

Once my heart rate returned to normal, I calmed down and continued my makeup. I won't bring it up and forget it happened! I laughed nervously to myself. Once everything was done, I took a last once-over look and headed out.

I got back to the room and saw that Adriel wasn't there. Did he leave? Quietly putting the clothes in the hamper, I looked around the room briefly for any signs of him. Nothing. I looked at my phone to see it read 6:30. Not bad on time, Leia! I was never one to take too long getting ready. I grabbed my wallet off the nightstand and left the room. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I saw Adriel by the door talking with Cleo.

"Leia! You look so pretty! Way too pretty for this guy!"

Cleo was the first to notice me with a huge grin and a wave of her hand. I laughed at her comment and made my way toward the siblings. Cleo gave me a side hug, and I smiled. Adriel cleared his throat, making me make eye contact with his beautiful blue eyes. It made me think of earlier, and my cheeks turned red as I looked away.

"Ready?" Adriel held out his arm, which I gladly took and nodded. I took a second to admire him in his form-fitting grey button-up, dark blue fitted jeans, and all-black vans. The scent of the forest and cologne almost made me melt. "Leia?" I shook out of my stare and laughed awkwardly.

"Now, have fun, you two! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Cleo joked loudly as she waved us off. Adriel just rolled his eyes in response as he led me outside to his car, and I couldn't help but giggle.

The car ride was mostly silent, but not in an uncomfortable way. Music played softly through the speakers as my eyes took in the surroundings of this new pack. This is my new home... My wolf was getting excited being near Adriel, and it was hard to suppress her feelings.

"Adriel? Where are we going?" I asked, looking at him as he stared at the road ahead.

"You'll see when we get there. Five more minutes." I huffed in response, curiosity getting the best of me.

He wasn't wrong. After another 5 minutes, we pulled into the parking lot of a warmly lit restaurant. Carmelo's Italian Ristorante. Red lights lighted up the name. He parked the car and quickly walked to my side of the vehicle to open the door for me.

"Thanks." Adriel nodded in response before grasping my hand and walking me toward the restaurant's front doors.

"You look gorgeous," Adriel whispered his compliment lowly and close to my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

"T-thank you." I turned to smile at him, but he had already turned his head and went to open the door for us to walk through.

At the front stood a charming hostess with dark skin, brown eyes, and short black hair. She welcomed us into the restaurant, giving Adriel googly eyes and leaning slightly too close. I squeezed his hand, my wolf not liking this strange girl being flirty with our mate. Adriel ignored her actions and gave his name so we could be seated; the restaurant was packed and bustling with chatter. Adriel told me in the car ride that this was the main town by his packhouse, and most of the people here were werewolves or knew about us.

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