Chapter 16

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Sitting in Adriel's office, I felt tense as I looked around the room at the pack members who came to join the pack meeting. Adriel told me it was to discuss pack issues and business updates since the last meeting before the Choosing Ceremony. This is my first official pack meeting as Luna of the Shadowed Raven Pack. The feeling that the office was so small now filled with more than just Adriel is strange.

Cleo, Lucas, Nico, Arya, and some other pack members I have yet to meet officially took their places, either sitting or standing around, while Adriel sat at his desk with me next to him. The room was mostly silent aside from the shuffling of feet and shifting positions while everyone made themselves comfortable.

"Alright, everyone, let's get this meeting started." The room quieted down immediately as Adriel spoke, all attention drawn to their Alpha. "We can start with introductions since Leia has joined us as our Luna." Adriel nodded to me, and I nodded in return.

We went around the room, each stating our names and rank. Surprisingly, no one here is from my Crescent Sky Pack; they're all originally from Shadowed Raven Pack or followed their mates from Moonstone Snow Pack (Cael's Pack). I, of course, already know Cleo, Lucas, Nico, and Arya, but I have now met Luisa, Soren, Archie, Kit, and Victoria.

I recognized the woman named Luisa and the man named Soren as two of the older pack members talking poorly about me on my second day here. Luisa acts as a liaison between our pack and the Elders, and Soren leads the scouts who alert us of things outside the pack or maintain relations with other packs. Archie is the pack doctor, while Kit and Victoria take over managing the warriors on the perimeter under Cleo and Lucas.

Adriel prepped me for today's meeting by letting me know who would be coming and the roles they played in the pack. However, he still had everyone introduce themselves and share their positions with me as a formality. We had not even gotten to our discussion topics yet, and the room had already felt gloomy. It's no wonder why Cleo mentioned Adriel hated these meetings.

"Cleo and Lucas, any updates on the perimeter or recent attacks?" Adriel spoke with a stern yet clear voice.

"Everything looks good around the perimeter; those in position have maintained their posts, and no reported attacks as of late." I was surprised to see Lucas so serious. Not that I know him very well, but at the ceremony, he seemed to be so nervous. Maybe it was just because he had met his mate; I know that uneasy feeling.

"Good. Cleo, what about updates on Alpha Milah's movements?" Adriel's mood shifted; I could sense the stiffening of his body and a wave of anger seeping through. "Leia, comfort our mate! Something is wrong". Tala whined, clearly feeling antsy and concerned.

I rested my hand on Adriel's arm, but he moved to grab ahold of my hand instead. I could hear the subtle sigh of relief and some of the tension leave his body, which seemed to please Tala. My tattoo burned and tingled at Adriel's touch, and I wondered if this were something I would always feel even after furthering the mating process. My cheeks warmed at the thought, and I shook my head lightly to stop going deeper.

"Some of her rogues, er pack members, have been snooping around our perimeter. We aren't sure what she is looking for, but we may want to make sure Leia, Selene, and Mom are always with someone trusted." Cleo also surprised me with her seriousness, the carefree and happy energy hidden away. I wonder why their mom needs protection. Maybe because she's the previous Luna?

"I agree. I am sure she already knows we have found our mates, which leaves them and us slightly vulnerable." Adriel squeezed my hand, and I could not help the increased heart rate. Being a Luna can create a vulnerability for an Alpha just as much as it creates stability and strength. "Nico, continue to stick with Leia if she's not already with one of us."

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