Chapter 9

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The walk to find my parents felt like ages. The three of us walked in utter silence as we weaved through the crowd of families and mates, as my heart raced and tears threatened to leave my eyes. Adriel refused to let go of my hand and occasionally squeezed it, probably noticing my wave of emotions. As we got closer to my family, I could see my mom's hazel eyes brimming with tears. Aw, mom... I let go of Adriel's hand and ran to her with wide open arms.

"Oh, mom!" I cried as I hugged her tightly.

"My Leia, I'm so happy for you. He's your mate, right?" I nodded and stepped away from my mom to hug my dad. Adriel had stepped forward and held his hand to shake my mom's.

"Hello. My name is Adriel Hutton; I'm the Alpha of the Shadowed Raven pack. I am Leia's mate. Pleased to meet you." Adriel's husky voice sounded strained, but he stood with confidence. My dad started petting my hair soothingly with a smile as I hugged him tightly.

"Alpha! Wow, Leia, look at you having an Alpha for your mate!!" My mom's eyes gleamed with excitement as she gushed her words. I felt incredibly embarrassed and turned bright red with a nod. "Adriel, dear! Come here!" My mom pulled Adriel into a hug, which made me laugh. She's tiny but strong enough to pull an Alpha along. Although I'm pretty sure it's mainly because Adriel had been caught off guard.

"Don't be shy! You're my son-in-law now. We are family." My mom looked happy as she released Adriel from her hug. He looked so awkward, which only made me laugh more. I moved from my dad so he could talk to Adriel, too.

"Dad, this is Adriel. H-he's my mate...." My cheeks flushed red from my words as I looked between Adriel and Dad. Dad smiled at him and patted him on the back, showing his acceptance.

"Nice to meet you, sir," Adriel spoke formally as he shook my dad's hand.

"Good grip there, Alpha Adriel. And please, call me Ben." My dad gave Adriel a warm smile, and I could feel butterflies fill my stomach.

It feels incredible to see my family accepting my mate, even though we had only met yesterday. Adriel nodded in response with a small smile that made my heart flutter. I know nothing about him, but our pull is already strong. Moon Goddess, you indeed are amazing.

"Hey, Li!" I turned to see Lance grinning and moved towards him. He picked me up in his big bear hug and squeezed tightly. "I'm gonna miss you, sis." I nodded furiously, trying hard not to cry again.

"Me too, Lan...." Lance put me back on the ground and gave Adriel his best glare.

"You better not make my sister cry!" He stepped closer to Adriel, and I hit him playfully on the arm to tell him not to be mean or embarrassing. He rested his hand on Adriel's shoulder and gave him a severe look. "Take care of Leia, alright? We're counting on you." Lance gave my newfound mate a reassuring pat and a cheesy grin.

"Of course, with my life," Adriel answered with confidence. He looked at me with this intense gaze in his bright blue eyes that sent shivers all the way down my body. My cheeks tinted red in response. "We found our mate!" My wolf was so excited and anxious to meet Adriel's wolf.

"Alright, alright! A best friend is coming through!" I laughed as Maia pushed her way through everyone to hug me. I didn't want to cry again, but leaving my best friend was hard. The tears fell anyway as we just hugged it out quietly. "Oh, Leia. We have to see each other often! And talk all the time! I can't believe we both found our mates and will be Lunas!" Maia's words were fast and mixed with emotion.

"Lunas..." I had never expected to become a Luna; I wasn't even sure if I would be a good one. I know it's an honor, but I feel insecure about it. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. I'm not Luna just yet... "I'm going to miss you, Maia. Let's stay best friends, though!" We both nodded and laughed, finally letting go.

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