Chapter 6

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"Don't touch her again. She's mine." Adriel growled again, this time louder, as his hold on me tightened. Ow... He smacked Cael's hand away from me, and Cael stepped back. I could feel that Adriel was much stronger than him, and I think he sensed it, too.

"We'll see, lover boy," Cael smirked and winked at me before retreating. I could feel the anger radiating off of Adriel and shivered. My tattoo burned, and my wolf was howling in excitement at our mate's touch.

"A-alpha. That hurts." I tried wiggling out of his grasp, his hold becoming too tight around my waist. He let go but quickly twisted me around and backed me into the wall.

"Don't go talking to other males like that. Especially other Alphas!" He growled, and I could see the anger in his eyes. "You're my mate!" His naturally beautiful blue-grey eyes got darker with rage, and I felt goosebumps crawl up my arms. Although we were in a room full of people, I focused on him while everyone else faded out.

"W-well. Maybe if you cared enough to spend time with me, no other males would bother talking to me! I didn't do anything wrong and even told him I have a mate already!" I surprised myself with that outburst. I just met him! Why am I mad he isn't with me? My face turned red, and I instantly wiggled out of his grasp, preparing to walk away.

Adriel quickly grabbed onto my arm and turned me around again. His eyebrows were knitted together in frustration, and I felt terrible for trying to escape. No! He didn't bother talking to me at all, and the first thing he did was yell!

"Don't leave." He demanded with a low growl. It felt like there was more to it than an 'order from the Alpha,' but I didn't want to be ordered by my mate. We are supposed to be equal.

"Let go. You can't order me around like some pack member! I'm supposed to be your mate!"

My wolf was restless, not wanting me to fight with our mate. She wanted so badly to fall into his arms. Not yet. Adriel's eyes widened before letting go and letting out a frustrated sigh. Without touching me, he moved his face just inches from mine. So close! My face and tattoo burned at how close Adriel was. His scent of freshly applied cologne mixed with his natural smell was intoxicating, and I almost gave in to Tala.

"You are my mate. I'm sorry. I saw him getting so close and touching you that I got so angry." He looked awkward as he ran his hand through his black hair. "You're right. I should've come to you in the first place. But I don't know how to react yet. This is my third Choosing Ceremony, and I finally found my mate." My eyes widened in surprise. I didn't realize he was three years older than me... And waiting all this time for a mate.

"Oh." I cursed myself in my head with my dumb response. "I-it's okay. Sorry, Alpha, I didn't know you've had trouble finding a mate." He stood up straight, no longer leaning in towards my face.

"Adriel. Call me Adriel." His voice had turned soft. My wolf was getting so excited it was hard to remain calm. "And I am sorry for my reaction." He sounded genuine, so I decided to accept his apology and nodded.

"Okay, Adriel. Nice to meet you." I held out my hand to shake his in an official greeting. He just gave me a strange look, and I stifled a laugh. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves since you walked away earlier without even giving me your name. I'm Leia." I gave him a warm smile. If we are mates, we might as well be friendly...

"Right, sorry about that." He shook my hand awkwardly and, for a while, didn't let go. I could feel the electricity between us from holding hands, and my heart raced. Is this what finding your mate feels like? We just stood there for a few minutes, looking at each other. "Well. Why don't we dance?" I nodded lightly, my cheeks turning pink as Adriel guided me to the dance floor.

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