Chapter 12

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Rolling around in the sheets, I finally opened my eyes slowly to the morning light. I turned my head, and my whole body froze as Adriel sat beside me on the bed, watching me. What the?! I pulled up the blanket to cover myself and moved to sit as far away from him as possible. I remembered last night's fight and his words.

"What?" I asked harshly, glaring at him through my hazel eyes.

"Leia." He was scratching the back of his neck awkwardly and looking around the room. "I know you're mad...."

"Yes! I'm mad!" I nearly shouted, and he instantly looked at me with darkened blue eyes. My wolf cowered a bit, but I tried to remain unaffected.

"Let me finish, please." I just nodded with a sigh after hearing his voice sounding apologetic. Adriel ran his hands through his soft, black hair. "I wanted to apologize for upsetting you and calling you an outsider. As my mate and Luna, you are not an outsider. However, I would like you to give the members of this pack and my close friends a chance."

"I don't belong here...." I muttered softly, feeling the tears start to come back again. No! Don't cry! I felt the bed shift as Adriel scooted closer, and I refused to look at him. His warm hand rested on my shoulder, and I jolted away quickly. "Don't."

"I'm sorry. Noemi is a very close childhood friend, and she has never acted the way you described. I want you to understand she is a good person and friend." I sighed deeply. Their friendship obviously blinds Adriel, and I can't step in.

"Fine. I will believe you. But I want to ensure she is not your Chosen, and I am not just here for show." My voice was barely a whisper as I responded, but I knew he heard me when he sighed deeply.

"Leia. I don't have a Chosen. That would be going against the Elders. You are my mate, and you are here because the Moon Goddess has chosen you to be with me from now on. I want you to be here." Adriel lifted my chin with his tanned hand to look at his face. His blue eyes have returned to their bright and mesmerizing color. I didn't realize earlier that he had bed hair still and stifled a giggle at its messiness.

"Okay." I nodded with a small smile. I hope he's telling the truth...

"Forgive me?" My eyes widened with surprise at Adriel's softened voice as I nodded. "Good. Now I have to continue with preparations for tonight; feel free to roam around a bit, but make sure you stay with Nico."


"Yes, my Delta, that will be your bodyguard. He should be here within an hour to introduce himself and show you around." I nodded as he finally let go of my chin. I moved from under the covers to stand and stretch my body. "Also, don't leave this room in that."

"What?" I gave Adriel a confused look as I turned to look at him, now standing as well.

"Your pajamas. Don't go out there wearing that." I looked down at my pajamas and felt a little embarrassed but confused. What's wrong with it??

"But there shouldn't be anyone else here, right?" I rolled my eyes.

"The packhouse is open for members unless I state otherwise, so there is a possibility that someone may be working or visiting. Nico is coming, so that's enough reason." I sighed. Maybe he's the jealous type?

"Okay. I was going to get changed anyway." Adriel nodded as he started walking towards the door.

"Don't leave the pack grounds. I'll return before dinner to tell you about the introductions." With that, Adriel left and closed the bedroom door behind him.

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