Chapter Two

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After school, I head home and lazily throw myself onto the couch. School wasn't bad, but I'm tired and I don't want to do my homework. 

The worst thing about starting in the middle of the school year is the homework you have to do about things you were barely taught. 

"Have you made any friends?" My dad jokes as he walks into the living room. 

"Yeah kind of." I say. 

"Don't worry, you will" He says. 

I shrug. I'm too tired to think right now. It's only 3pm but I decide to take a nap. I bring myself upstairs and fall asleep. 

"Y/n! Sweetie!" I hear my mother's call wake me up. She must have just gotten home. 

I run downstairs to greet her. "Hi mom." I say. 

I expect her to ask me about how my day was, but instead she shows me the door. "You have some friends her to see you." She says. She looks delighted. 

Because I just woke up, I know I don't exactly look my best, but I go to the door anyway. Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Eric are all here. "Oh hey guys." I say sleepily. 

"Hey y/n! You want to come out?" Stan asks. 

"And do what?" 

"I don't know, probably go to my house." 

I shrug. "Yeah sure. Just give me a second." 

I ask my mom if I can go and of course she says yes. I try to quickly fix myself up before going by running my fingers through my hair while I get my shoes on. 

At Stan's house, his mom comes to greet me. 

"Well Stanley who's this?" She asks. 

"Mom, this is y/n." He replies. "She just moved into town." 

She now faces me. "Well hello y/n. I'm Stan's mom." 

"Hi!" I say. 

Stan's mom then asks us what we want to eat. We all agree on pizza. 

Kyle then suggests watching a scary movie. In my opinion, most scary movies aren't even scary but I agree anyway. 

On the couch, I sit on the far end while Kenny sits next to me. Then it's Kyle, Stan and Eric. 


After the movie, Stan suggests playing some video games. Eric then begins to threaten me saying that he could easily destroy me just because I'm a girl. I raise my eyebrows at this. 

"Okay." I say. "You're on." 

Then we begin our game. By the end of it, I had beat Eric 7 times. He kept calling for a rematch, but didn't win once. 

"Woah dude!" Kyle says. 

"What the fuck I lost?" Yells Eric. 

I pretend to sympathize. "Oh don't be sad. You'll get there eventually buddy." I say, pouting out my lip to mock him. 

"Oh you bitch!" He says. 

"Calm down fatass." I reply nonchalantly. 

Kenny begins to crack up laughing, as well as Kyle and Stan. 

Eric just sits there with his arms crossed.

"Mmmph mmph mmmph." Kenny says. 

"Kenny I have no idea what you just said." I reply. 

He groans and takes off his hood. "It'll be great having you around." He says. 

But I don't pay any attention to his words because this is my first time seeing him without his hood. He had blonde hair and a sweet smile. 

I say nothing as he puts his hood back up. I hope they didn't notice the way I was looking at him. He was definitely cute. 

At the end of the night, Kyle, Kenny, Eric and I start to go home. The boys offer to walk be even though it's just down the block, but still I accept. 

On the way home, the boys are talking about some girl I've never met before. 

"Yeah she's cool." Kyle says, shrugging and I guessed she wasn't that important. 

"No! She's a bitch!" Eric yells, and I guess that my previous guess was wrong. 

"Mmph mmph mmmph." Kenny says and Eric starts to laugh. 

I'm confused again, and Kyle translates for me. "He said she's really fucking hot though." 

I just nod. I think I'm starting to understand Kenny's personality. 

"You talk like that about every girl?" I ask Kenny. 

He takes off his hood, knowing already that I wouldn't understand him. 

"No, just the ones I know are bad." He replies, quickly putting his hood back up. 

Interesting  I think to myself as we arrive at my house. 

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