Chapter Five

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I wake up with the sun shining in my room. The whole night I was thinking of what Wendy told me, that I needed to be careful. 

I quickly woke up, got ready and had breakfast with my parents. 

After breakfast, I decide that there are some things I want to get done. I don't know much about where everything is in this town yet, but I do know there's a grocery store just one block away from me. I tell my mom and leave. 

As I'm walking, I see Kenny coming down my block, the same way to my house. 

''Hi Kenny! What are you doing here?" I ask. 

"I was actually coming to see you." He replies. 

"Why?" I look at him, and he frowns at my question. 

"I want to show you around our neighborhood." He says. "You only know where the school is." 

"And the store down the block!" I say defensively. "And your house!" 

He smirks. "How convenient." 

"Shut up Kenny." I say with a small smile. 

"Okay, okay, let's be calm." He jokes, then we begin to walk. 

We spend hours together, he brought me into every store in town, even places I would never need to go to, like Tom's Rhinoplasty. 

The last place Kenny decides to show me is Stark's Pond. It's beautiful. Lots of our classmates are skating right now. 

"Have you ever skated?" He asks. 

I haven't skated in five years, maybe more. 

"A long time ago." I reply. 

"Good to know." He says. 

"Don't even think about it McCormick." I look at him. 

"Woah! Someone's fiesty." 

"I'll kill you." 

He only laughs. 

We sit on a nearby bench and he tells me stories about things that have happened at the pond. I liked hearing his stories. These boys were crazy when they were nine, I was shocked. 

"Do you want to get some ice cream?" I ask. 

*Kenny's POV*

I hated the fact that I had barely any money. I didn't want her to pay for me. I would hate to go out and have her be the one to pay. 

I always saw Stan pay for Wendy, Kyle paid for Bebe, and even Cartman had paid for Heidi when they were dating. 

I didn't like the looks I would get when a girl paid for me. People in this town weren't open minded at all. 

But what could I do? Any money I had ever made went to bills, and keeping the house in check. I usually used leftover money on my sister. 

"Yeah we could but-" I begin. 

She cuts me off. "Don't worry about it, Kenny. Please." She places her hand on my shoulder. 

I can't help but smile. She was a really a sweet girl. It seemed like she actually wanted to help me. Other girls I had met always seemed annoyed and irritated. I didn't care when that happened, but to see such sweetness was nice for a change. 

*Y/n POV*

I walked with Kenny back to town, it was cold but we didn't care about that. Ice cream was always a good choice. 

As we sit down in the shop to decide what we want, I take out a ten dollar bill. "Kenny, would you mind being the one to give this to the cashier? I'm kind of nervous." I say. 

He looks me up and down, analyzing my words, then he smiiles. "Yeah sure y/n."  

We decide what we want and walk up to the counter. "I'll have chocolate, and she'll have y/f/f." He says. 

"Okay, that'll be eight dollars." The lady replies. Kenny hands her the money. 

We take our seats once again and enjoy our ice cream as we talk. 

"Do you like it here so far?" Kenny asks me. 

I nod. "Yeah it's great here, I needed a change from my old town." 

"Thank God you met me." He says, smirking. 

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" I raised my eyebrows. 

"I mean come on, what would you do without me? Hang out with Stan?"

"No, but I think Eric and I would be best friends." 

"Hey, calm down, now you're getting carried away." He says. 

I laugh. 

Kenny takes a bite of his ice cream. 

"Why do you call him Eric?" He asks. 

"Isn't that his name?" 

"Well yeah, but you're a part of this group now, and we all call him Cartman so you should too." 

"Oh? I'm apart of this group now? Damn. I was really hoping to get in with Craig's group." 

"You're really testing me aren't you?" He smirks. 

I shrug. "Just joking around with a member of my new group." 

Just then I hear a familiar voice behind me. 

"Kenny? Y/n? Have you guys been here all day?" Stan asks, with Wendy by his side. 

I turn around. "We're hanging out as friends." 

"That's not what I asked." Stan says casually. 

"Hi y/n." Wendy says with a smile on her face. I return her "hello" as the two go to order. 

Once they get their ice cream, they come back to us. 

"Let's make this a double date." Stan jokes. I could tell he was mostly saying that for Kenny's reaction. 

Despite all the joking done by Stan about Kenny and I, we had a good time. I liked my new friends here in South Park. 

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