Chapter Twenty-three

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*Kenny's POV* 

I left school right after lunch today, and went straight home and to my room. I wanted to make sure it was still there. 

In my dresser underneath several piles of clothes, I picked up the small box that held the bracelet I had bought for y/n. 

I smiled, happy it was still there. I was never sure when my dad would decide it would be time to start rummaging my room to find something to sell for more money. 

Every other morning I headed to my "job." It wasn't exactly a job, but it got me some money and if I wanted to surprise y/n then I would do whatever it took.  I only worked a few hours in the day, usually two or less. The City Wok owner didn't want me there long, since he was barely paying me. 

Working two hours on such low pay was annoying, but it also meant that y/n would never know what I was doing. I got up early nearly every morning to go to this job. I worked just in time to make it to the bus each morning. 

My thoughts were interrupted by my parents yelling at each other. 

"You shut your mouth!" My mom yelled to my dad. 

"Fuck you, you bitch!" He replied. Karen began to cry, causing an immediate response in my body to go and get her. 

I found her on the couch, and I sat beside her. "It's okay." I said. 

She grabbed my arm and held it with both hands, clearly frightened again by my parent's fighting. 

I brought her into my room and shut the door to try to silence the sounds as much as I could. 

Between sobs, she asked me a question I would never fully have the answer to. "W-why do mommy and daddy always fight?" 

I wrapped her in a blanket, let her lay down in my lap and began to play with her hair. "Sometimes they don't realize what is really important." I said. 

She sniffled, taking in my words. 

As I continued to gently mess around with her hair, I dreamed of the day that I'd be able to get her out of this situation. I hoped that one day I could buy a house for her and get her all the things she's ever dreamed of. 

I began to wonder what would happen after I outlived everyone I loved. I thought about this often. It was scary knowing I'd eventually lose this entire life that I had now. I held my little sister closer to me, trying to escape the thought. As long as I had her now, I would be okay. 

Karen began to fall asleep, and once I was absolutely sure that she wasn't awake, I gently stood up and tucked her in, giving her the doll that I had once bought her. 

Outside, it began to rain. I rolled my eyes knowing that I would have to get a bunch of pots to collect the rain water that dripped inside. 

My parents were both passed out on the couch now, beer cans were spilled around them and they smelled of weed. One of the blunts was still lit, so I took it and put it out. Then, I got some frozen waffles from the freezer and heat them up. 

I sat down and ate but I only had time to rest for half an hour. Karen had woken up and I made some more waffles for her to have. Usually, I hid an extra two in the back of the freezer. Growing up, I never had much to eat and I knew Karen needed to eat more in order for her bones to be strong. 

As she ate, I realized I never gave her the news. 

"Do you remember y/n?" I asked. 

Her eyes seemed to light up. "Yes!" She said. 

"You wanna know something?" I tried to make my voice sound extra excited. 


"She's my girlfriend now, which means you'll be seeing her a lot more." 

Her smile widened as she blinked in wonder. "Really?" 

I nodded. "Maybe you can even see her tomorrow. Would you like that?" 

She got up to hug me. "Yes!" She exclaimed. "Can she braid my hair again?" 

I laughed. "Sure, Karen." I said. 

She finished eating and we sat down together to watch some TV for a while. Then, I played dolls with her. I had to use an action figure from my childhood but Karen was fine with that. 

We stayed like this for a few hours until it was late. She got ready for bed and laid down, squeezing her doll tight. 

I threw a blanket over my parents and walked into my room. I sighed, and tossed and turned until eventually falling asleep. 

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