Chapter Eighteen

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On the way home that day, Kenny's words kept replaying in my head. He wanted to tell everyone about us, but I just wasn't sure if I was ready for that. I needed more time, and in a way I was protecting myself from getting hurt. 

If something happened and we broke up, it would be as if we never were a thing, and it would be easier for the both of us to handle it without everyone else getting involved. I knew I was overthinking, but I knew as well that I had every right to. This was my first relationship, and any first  can be scary. 

Then, my mind wandered to Clyde. Although I knew he did what he did just because of me rejecting him at the dance, I still didn't understand why he was being such an asshole about it. 

After I got home, I spend my time watching random YouTube videos on my computer. I had a blanket wrapped around me a took a deep breath, wondering how life could get any better. Frankly, the situation with Clyde didn't bother me at all, what was he going to do? 

I watched videos for some time before I got a notification from Instagram, someone was requesting me. I opened the account, curious as to who it was. 

I saw it was following nearly everyone at school. In the photo section of the account, there was a picture of a familiar orange parka. 

My eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing. 

The picture was of Annie Knitts, whose body was close to Kenny. Her fingers crawled up his arm, and I see his hand reaching out to her. 

I immediately become anxious, however I decide that I can't trust an obviously fake Instagram account, and I'll need to talk to Kenny first. 

Despite my efforts to remain calm, I still feel myself panicking. 

*Kenny's POV*

Y/n left early today, she said she wasn't feeling well and wanted to go home, but I know she just had a lot on her mind.

I hope she wasn't upset because I said I wanted to tell our friends about our relationship. 

Speaking of relationships, I can't believe that she was actually dating me. I knew this was right, I had never been more sure of anything. 

As I walked down the hall, I felt myself smiling the whole time, lost in thought. God, my girlfriend was beautiful. 

As I was walking I accidentally bumped into Annie Knitts. 

"Sorry Annie." I said, about to walk off. 

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to her before I could go anywhere. "Hold on Kenny." 

I looked at her, unsure of what she was about to say. Annie and I weren't ever close, nor was she close with any of the other boys in our group. My only ever interaction with her was when all the girls at school tried to be stupid whores and she chased after me, literally. 

She released her grip on my arm, only to start using her fingers to walk up the same arm. 

"What the fuck are you doing?" I say abruptly. 

She doesn't look at me and proceeds to place her hand on my shoulder. Almost instantly, I push her hand off and text a step back. 

"Dude calm down!" I say. 

I notice Annie look behind her and to the side, then she suddenly stops. 

"Bye Kenny." She said, walking away. 

What the fuck

Before leaving, I met with the boys as usual. 

"Where's y/n?" Kyle asks. 

"She went home early." I say quicker then they expected. 

They all look at me. 

Stan takes his phone out and looks at a notification. Kyle and Cartman do the same. 

"What the hell is this?" Cartman says. 

Stan zooms in on a picture. "Dude Kenny, you and Annie?" He passes me his phone and shows me what they were looking at. 

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I say.

They all stare at me in silence. "So.. not you and Annie." Stan says. 

"I have to go guys." I crossed the street and went straight to y/n's house. 

*Y/n's POV*

"Y/n!" I hear my name being yelled from outside, followed by a few knocks on the door. I ran downstairs, recognizing Kenny's voice immediately. 

"Y/n." He said as I opened the door. 

"You gonna explain?" I asked. 

He nodded, out of breath. Then he proceeded to tell me what happened. 

"I would never do anything to hurt you." He said as he ended the story, kissing me. 

I kiss him back and pull him into a hug. "Okay Kenny, I believe you, calm down." 


"Should I not?" 

"No, no, you should." He smiles. 

I put both my hands on his shoulders. "Do you know who took the picture?" 

"I have a small suspect." He paused. "But if it really was who I think it was, then the boys could really really help us y/n." He rested his head on mine.

I don't talk for some time, instead I just remain silently in his arms, considering his words. 

"Do you really want to?" I ask. 

"I want the world to know about us." He adds. 

"If you really think it will help, then let's go find the boys." 

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